Saturday, October 1, 2022

Spring Cleaning


 So some of us believe in Spring Cleaning and as far as household chores that is still very true. Did you know that is actually true two times a year, once in the Spring and also in the Fall at least that is what we do in our house?  As for business sometimes a makeover is as simple as changing or giving your business branding a facelift. So we did a bit of Fall Cleaning. 

We at Photo Art by Laura Photography serve two niches - Landscape photography images that are beautiful in any home or business.  Also, we specialize in Portraiture (People) Family, Children, and HS Senior Portraits & Weddings.  Getting the logo right has been a serious journey but we are hopeful that we have finally nailed it.  Our contact information is still the same.  You can find us on a variety of social platforms.  And Yep.. we just started a TikTok. Come follow us. 

New Business Cards