Personal Bloggers Notes

 Personal Bloggers Notes:

This has been a Whirlwind in the Past Two Weeks.

In the whirlwind of recent weeks, I've come to a significant decision: I'm closing the portrait side of my photography business to fully embrace landscape photography. Surprisingly, this shift has been liberating, granting me a newfound perspective and purpose in my daily pursuits. In the next few days, I will be shutting down my Facebook Page for the Portrait side.  I will still remain word of mouth as a portrait photographer, it just is not practical for me to keep a website any longer. 

You might have heard about my upcoming three-week photography expedition along the breathtaking Oregon coast. It's an incredible opportunity, especially this time of year, to capture some truly remarkable shots. Plus, I'll be camping to save on expenses, utilizing my trusty "photomobile" (yes, that's what I call my Suburban), which we've outfitted for this very purpose.

Preparing for this journey involves more than just packing gear; I've been diligently building my stamina by walking on the treadmill daily, celebrating small victories like today's half-mile trek in just 20 minutes.

Excitement is brewing as I await the arrival of my waterproof gear from Cargobibi. Ensuring I stay dry while chasing the perfect shot of waterfalls is paramount. I am not being paid by any sponsors. Just thought I would share.

Organization is key when packing the rig for my adventure. Planning every detail, from gas requirements to campground availability, has been a meticulous process. Gone are the days of spontaneous camping trips; now, reservations are a must, especially when Mother Nature's mood can affect the timing of my shoots.

Documenting my journey through vlogs using my GoPro10 is another challenge I'm eager to tackle. While I'm more comfortable behind the lens, I'm pushing myself to be informative and engaging in front of the camera. It's a skill I'm honing, with dreams of one day having a dedicated team to support me.

Utilizing tools like my blog and YouTube channel will be crucial in sharing my experiences. I'm eager to connect with my audience, inviting them to join me on this adventure and provide feedback on the content they'd like to see.

To support my travels, I'm exploring a membership platform where supporters can contribute to cover expenses like fuel and food. In return, they'll receive benefits based on their level of support.

As I prepare for this journey, I'm also assessing my studio inventory, determining what to sell and what to keep for future projects. Quality lighting is essential for live video feeds, which I still plan to incorporate into my content.

Ultimately, I aspire to secure sponsorships for my blog and YouTube channel, but I'll need your help. Liking, subscribing, and spreading the word about my work would mean the world to me. Thank you for your support in advance. Let's embark on this adventure together!

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