Thursday, December 30, 2021

Resolutions or Goals


 Resolutions or Goals


When I began my business almost 14 years ago it started out with a mission to help families stay connected, through pictures. 


Every year we all begin the “New Year “with Resolutions and most of us will flop on those lofty resolutions within 32 days.  So, are we setting ourselves up for failure on purpose? 


Over the years my photography has grown and adapted to what life at the time threw at me, at least that sounds great anyway.  The truth is that it Grew at its own pace and became something on its own and has taught me fantastic lessons.  Be patient.


Nothing is Forever except the Love we leave behind.  That is what stays with us and the places we call special with the people we share that with. 


These past two years have enabled me to appreciate the moments I have with the people and places that mean the very most to me.  I actually took the time when COVID first became an object of concern, to take that time to reflect on myself and grow as a person.  I put myself through school to become a certified Master Life Coach.  Did it become something, no, but what it did do was give me an opportunity to evaluate who I am as a person and what matters?  That was so worth the investment.  It opened me back up to grab a hold of what my purpose was and is, to be the best human I can, be the best photographer I can, and share my passion for nature with the world. 


I have goals, not resolutions and I will never take the moments I am gifted with any amount of assumption that it will always be here waiting for me because they won’t.  Take a hold of your life and cherish it.  We only get now.  If you see a sunset, take a moment to appreciate it and if you are lucky, share it with someone important to you.  


Set Goals this year – It’s not really about the Goal, it’s about growing and becoming someone, you were met to be. Push past your comfort zone and reach higher. Be concreate in your vision and don’t let anyone stand in your way.  You are Worth the Investment. 


My challenge to you for this year is to grab your phone or your camera and take photos.  Print them and put them in an album. (I can help you with that) When 2023 comes rolling in, take that album you made and look back at your life and see what you actually did with it for one year.  

The past is the past and you can’t do anything to change it.  Today is NOW and a gift, that is why it is called the present.  Open it slowly and take time with it, I promise you, if you do, life will be better than it was yesterday.  Nothing can be worse than your last worst day. 


Text Box:  Have a Happy New Year 2022.  Make this one the BEST Ever.  You are the one in the driver’s seat. 



Wednesday, December 22, 2021


Well, we made it through 2021.
  Some of us with a few more scars and others with Huge milestones achieved.  I don’t know about you, but I am very excited to see what this New Year's Eve will ring in.


A few weeks back I hinted at a Virtual Gallery Showing to Kick Start this New Year, it is going to be New and Excellent! 


Due to all of the health issues and circumstances that our society has in the past few years, it has gotten harder and harder to open a brick-and-mortar store for anything “normal” So I have found a workaround.


I found a way to allow you (my customers & collectors) to walk through my truly virtual gallery showroom.  I am so bloomin Excited about this!   As this blog is being written, I am also working on loading my images of art to the Gallery.  Each image will have a link to my web store, where you can select your photo art print, media, and styles and then order.  If you prefer to go through me and customize the art, then I recommend delaying ordering and write me personally to begin the customization process to go with your personal style and color preference. 


With the possibility of a – God Forbid – shutdown - again if that happens my lab may shut down.  However, I do work with three labs I work with, so I will do my very best to accommodate your orders.  Please keep in mind that shipment me be delayed for longer than normal.  I trust these labs that I use to print my images because my name is on the print.  You will always be in communication with me should anything come up regarding your order.


I am absolutely excited to bring you this Amazing technology and showcase my art.  Also, we use AR Augmented Reality Technology on our website store.  You can virtually see our fine art images on your walls – Live View. 


If you prefer a one-on-one meeting, feel free to schedule an appointment by writing me at and we can create something truly customized for your space.


I will announce when the Gallery will be live on my social media and this Blog.  So don’t forget to follow – Like & Share.


Have a Very Merry Christmas.  See you next Year.


Love Laura