Monday, September 4, 2023

Spring is Here.


Hey Friends – Well Spring is finally here… Praise God!  I am excited about that upcoming trip I told you about. Also updates on the conversion of Deliah. “The Photo Mobile”

Early in April, I will be traveling to Western Washington to find the colors of Spring.  I will be photographing one of my favorite locations, Skagit Valley Tulips at Mount Vernon Washington.  I am hopeful for a break in the weather but sometimes a storm just makes the colors more vibrant.  I bought an umbrella for the possibility of weather for my camera.  Yes, you read correctly – for the camera and also a rain jacket for me.  I found this very cool tripos holder for the umbrella and if it goes as planned, I will put a link on my Pinterest board.  I have put a placeholder on my landscape website so keep watching for new images.


As for the conversion to my vehicle, I am learning that patients is a prerequisite for this type of change. Logistics don’t always walk to the beat that you would like them to.  Remember the song that helped us as kids memorize the parts of the body and how they were connected?  Well, when you are converting a vehicle for camping (Sub Overlanding) there is an order to the installation.  We have ripped everything out and the back of my GMC Suburban – so I suppose there is No turning back now.  When we began to prepare to take out the back AC unit we discovered it was a bit more entailed than just a few bolts and what not to be done. It actually required a licensed mechanic to dismantle and disconnect the AC for environmental purposes.  So that is now done…

We have the design down pat and so now we get to install the insulation and subfloor.  Remember when I said things have an order? We got a fancy weather sensor fan to keep airflow within the cab of the rig but that means we need to take out (remove) a 14x14 square – cut the metal away and leave a giant hole in the roof of the rig. Plus get it wired.  If that doesn’t have a ring of intimidation to it…then- yep –

Then wiring for power, insulation for ceiling, walls, and floor.  It has been months of research to decide how this is all going to be laid out.  I wanted a space to work at night after my images have been shot without hunching over, so that had to be thought out.  What do I need to have with me and where will it live?  Everything must have a home because space is limited.  My shopping list is constantly evolving, and things are arriving to have me totally prepared for this adventure.  We discovered that the spare tire was a slight issue.  There was no way I could lift from the top of the rig the spare, so we needed to find a way to mount it to the back door.  After a ton of research and discovery, this was going to be an expensive issue if we went with conventional -  it was not going to be an option to purchase a brand new back bumper for thousands of dollars, one quote was $11,000.  I almost fainted on the spot.  NOPE!  So plan be was thinking outside the box.  Where could we get a swing-away tire mount that would not break the bank?  After a walk in the rain, we found our solution in the car's graveyard.  Now we had to locate a professional welder.  It feels really good when things fall into place.  I may not have the rig completely ready for a show and tell, but hopefully, it will be sleep worthily for a few days and my trip to Skagit Valley.  When it’s all complete I will give you a tour.  In the meantime, we have been trying to keep a video log of our progress. 


I invite you to subscribe and follow us to keep up to date with everything Photo Art-related. 

Oh, before I forget – one last thing.  If you are looking for all things Family Portraits.  See my Portraits Page.


I will write again soon. 


All My Best


Laura D

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