Saturday, October 16, 2021

Forks WA- Making Lemonade from La Nina

October 16th and I am here in Forks, WA with a Plan...well it appears that La Nina decided to botch my "Plans" and rain cats and dogs.  The drive up however was beautiful with stunning winding roads and beautiful Fall colors everywhere.  My only complaint is the the DOT does not accommodate individuals like myself, who are addicted to nature and beauty and want to pull off on any given, occasion to capture said beauty, so sadly, I have to just snap a photo in my head and drive on.... bummer.

I found this great location to stay for my two days here. The Olympic Suites Inn.  They converted what used to be an Apartment complex.  King size bedroom with Living space and a full kitchen.  Microwave, Dishwasher and Full size refrigerator and Stove/oven for cooking.  You could stay here for a solid month and have practically everything that you need and be comfortable.  

So I decided to take this quiet time and catch up with my Blog.  Got my coffee, apple fritter, water & laptop - obviously 😃  Journal and glasses.  Quiet space to write and creative music to think by on Spotify.  I am indoors with a picture window and a perfect size table from which to write.  Can't think of an alternative better way to spend my day.  

I am hopeful tomorrow will give me a window of opportunity to grab a few shots before I depart.  The plan was to go to Ruby beach today and hit a few other spots on my way back to the Motel.  I did see a sign as I was driving in to the Worlds Tallest Spruce Tree so maybe I will get lucky to grab a photograph of that on my way out.  La Push is breathtaking and First Beach as well.  You can view a few images that I previously shot from this area on my website.  

I grew up in Grays Harbor County and hardly ever did we come up here when I was a child.  I do remember fondly traveling to the Quinault Lodge for Thanksgiving or other special holidays.  Just an hour or so more would have brought us here to Forks.  

Last night I took some laid back me time and what else do you do in Forks besides taking pictures? Well you open your laptop, log into your Prime Account and watch Twilight with a glass of Vampire Wine - of course. It was actually fun.  I got to speak with my Granddaughter on the phone and reminisce  with her.  It was a perfect moment.  

As I was driving in about 5 o'clock last night I glanced to my left and this is what I saw, yes, did I say it is raining here?

I did have a small window of opportunity to pull off and grab a few shots.

Catch up again soon.

