Showing posts with label Journey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journey. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

"Capturing Coastal Majesty: A Journey Through the Oregon Coast - Episode 8"

written by: Laura Dusek -

 Blogger & Freelance Photographer

On the Road with Laura & Photo Art by Laura Photography: Our journey through the Oregon Coast was a unique blend of adventure and serenity. We kicked off with a memorable camping night at Washington State Park – Millersylvania, after a scenic five-hour drive from Spokane. The landscape was a vibrant painting, with the spring farm hues dancing under the clear blue skies and fluffy white clouds.

Despite some technical hiccups with the GoPro, which failed to capture certain moments like passing through Moses Lake and my mention of the possibility of glimpsing the Aurora Borealis during Sun flares when they happen, our video still offers breathtaking glimpses into our excursion. Don't miss out on the awe-inspiring photographs and video footage awaiting you.

As we continued our journey, a brief stop in Ellensburg for snacks revealed the need to enhance our recording setup in the future for better front-facing views. Though we encountered snowfall on Snoqualmie Pass in May, the lack of safe stopping points prevented us from sharing this natural spectacle directly.


Upon reaching our destination at Millersylvania State Park, I navigated the campsite terrain, encountering unexpected challenges like closed facilities and nighttime walks to the restroom. However, armed with determination and the promise of capturing sunrise shots, I persisted. This journey was not without its hurdles, but it was these very challenges that made it all the more rewarding. Check out the video [link] to get a deeper understanding of this article. We've also addressed equipment issues, opting for a taller, sturdier stand for future recordings. Hey, we are close to getting 50 subscribers. When we get there, I can record LIVE on YouTube. Could you help a gal out? The current count is 38.

Back at the campsite, a minor setback with the inverter was resolved with the unexpected help of loved ones, reinforcing the importance of community and resourcefulness in outdoor adventures. A brief visit from family provided warmth and comfort amidst the chilly conditions. Thank you, Faith, for the coffee. This experience reminded me of the value of community in our journeys, and I'm grateful for the support I have. 

After resolving the technical issue (it's handy to have a toolbox with you and a husband who can walk you through electrical problems), I pressed on with my journey, relieved that no further disruptions were encountered. Departing for Astoria the following morning, I eagerly anticipated the next chapter of our adventure, just over a two-hour drive away. 

Get ready for the next chapter of our adventure in Episode 9, Chapter 2. We're about to uncover more hidden gems and share more breathtaking moments with you

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Autumn In Washington State - Places to find beautiful - Fall Colors


Autumn in Washington State: A Photographer's Guide

The fall season is a magical time in Washington State. The leaves change color, the days get shorter, and the air becomes crisp and cool. It's a time for enjoying the outdoors and capturing the beauty of nature.

As a landscape photographer, I love photographing autumn in Washington State. There are so many beautiful places to explore, and the colors are always stunning. Here are a few tips for photographing autumn landscapes in Washington State:

• Plan ahead. The best time to photograph autumn colors in Washington State is from late September to mid-October. However, the timing can vary depending on the elevation and location. Do some research to find out when the leaves will be at their peak in the area you plan to visit.

• Be patient. The weather can be unpredictable in the fall, so be prepared to wait for the perfect conditions. Cloudy days can actually be ideal for photographing autumn colors, as they can help to create a soft, diffused light.

• Use the right settings. When photographing autumn colors, it's important to use the right camera settings. I typically shoot in manual mode and set my white balance to "shade" or "cloudy". This will help to warm up the colors in the scene.

• Experiment with different compositions. There are endless possibilities when it comes to composing autumn landscape photographs. Try different angles and perspectives to find the one that you like best.

• Don't forget the details. Don't just focus on the big picture. Pay attention to the details, such as the leaves on the ground, the bark on the trees, and the reflection in the water. These details can add interest and depth to your photographs.

With a little planning and patience, you can capture some truly stunning autumn landscapes in Washington State. So get out there and start exploring!

Here are some of the best places to photograph autumn landscapes in Washington State:

I am now inspired and anxious for Autumn Colors… How about you? 

Where will you go for a Fall Color Drive this Season? 

• Leavenworth: This Bavarian-themed town in the Cascade Mountains is a popular destination for fall foliage viewing. The town is surrounded by mountains and forests, and the leaves change color in a variety of shades.

Leavenworth autumn landscape, Washington State

• Stevens Pass: This mountain pass is located between Seattle and the Cascade Mountains. It's a popular spot for hiking, camping, and fishing, and the fall colors are simply stunning.

Stevens Pass autumn landscape, Washington State

• North Cascades National Park: This park is home to some of the most beautiful scenery in Washington State. The fall colors are incredibly vibrant in the alpine meadows and around the lakes.

North Cascades National Park autumn landscape, Washington State

• Olympic National Park: This park is known for its temperate rainforests, but it also has some stunning fall foliage. The best place to see the colors is in the Hoh Rainforest and along the Sol Duc River.

Olympic National Park autumn landscape, Washington State

• Washington Park  Japanese Arboretum: This arboretum in Seattle or Spokane is home to over 10,000 different types of plants. The fall colors are especially beautiful in the Japanese Garden and around the lake.

Washington Park Japanese Arboretum autumn landscape, Washington State

I hope these tips help you capture some amazing autumn landscapes in Washington State. So get out there and start exploring!

Saturday, February 19, 2022

News and Updates Feb 2022

 News & Updates

Hello Friends.

I thought I would catch you up on some news since I have not written in a while, sorry for that, however, I honestly have not had a lot of downtime lately.  Finally through the holidays meaning Thanksgiving and Christmas... 

So let's bring you up to speed.  I joined a BNI (Business International Networking) Spokane Referral Exchange -group located in my beautiful town of Spokane Valley.  This was such a wonderful decision.  I get the opportunity to meet and network with some amazing professionals and we have such a wonderful time uplifting one another and helping each of us grow as professional business owners.  So that keeps me busy.  

This past winter I had this brilliant brainstorm to retrofit our GMC Suburban into a home away from home photo mobile.  So my husband and I have been researching exactly what it takes for me to be comfortable, safe, and productive in the " Photo Mobile  " called Deliah.  We are planning to have me out on the road by April of this year hopefully if everything goes smoothly.  

So far we have purchased a solar system Opeus which we have already used once. So far I am impressed. I love that it has so many options. Count em (3) outlets. This stinking thing can run a blender if I wanted. I am thinking of getting a magic bullet to make smoothies in the morning, however, my priority is  COFFEE. The Opeus can handle it.  An issue that I have gotten an education about is what you can plug in and how long will it last. How many volts is the item you are plugging into the generator? It matters. 

The second and really important item is a bed for me to sleep on.  I wanted something with a great deal of cushion for support and comfort. We found a tri-fold by Millard.  I wanted something I could fold up and get out of the way so I can sit on a bench support and work on post-processing during the day. We have all the lumber that is required for the build and I am so excited to get started and get out there and get some amazing landscape photographs.   As soon as we get started I will begin posting videos of our progress on my YouTube page.  I tell you what I have so many pins on my camping board on Pinterest.  I didn't realize when I had this brainstorm that this is a "Thing".  Many are out living 24/7 in a vehicle, Van, Truck, and have been doing really well at it.  
Our top requirements: 
  • Safety
  • Comfortable Bed
  • Power
  • Internet
  • Food Storage & Cooking 
  • Water (Drinking, Shower, Cooking)
  • Did I say Comfort?  Yes my bones are demanding (Laughing)
  • Bathroom 
  • A place for me to work and store my equipment

Added to my news is that I bought a DRONE this past fall.  Now both my husband and I have enrolled in an online school to learn how to fly the darn thing.  I have to admit, after ordering the four books that we need to participate in the course and pass a test that we have to pay $150.00 to take the exam and receive what's called a Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate; I am a bit nervous. It is a ton of information and tests are not something I excel at. But  I am determined to do it.  I watched someone fly a drone, a fellow photographer when we were photographing the East Coast this past fall.  It was so wonderful to see how beautiful Acadia was from the birds-eye point of view. 

Speaking of education I am working on checking off one of my serious goals.  I am working on receiving a Master Photographer Certificate.  The course should if I stay on track take me six months to finish. 

Hope you forgive me now for not having written in a few minutes. 

Product Update:  My 2022 Calendar will be taken off of the shelf on March first.  So if you want one, go to my website and get yours while supplies last.  

I will try to do better at posting more.  

Hugs and Love to All


Monday, November 1, 2021

Who's Up for An Adventure?

 So - Who's Up for An Photographic Adventure?

I am looking for some fantastic photography locations here in the Pacific Northwest - Starting off with a day trip and then working up for the long haul excursions.  If you are from the Spokane area I am reaching out to you to advise me on locations of amazing Landscapes.  To top it off, as a bonus I am open to inviting the person that makes the best suggestion to tag along with me and I will buy you lunch,  as a way to say thanks for the tip. Plus I will also gift to you one digital image of our journey. This is something I rarely do - so I wanted to make this idea very special.  You will be given a written letter of permission to post my professional image on your social media to talk about our day just as long as you give me credit in your post.  

We can make a day of it.  I will be in communication with you via video or email to select the date to head out on our adventure.  If you are in need of some pointers about your camera, please bring it along with you.  I will be happy to give you any tips that may be helpful.  I shoot only in the early morning or early evening hours.  So lunch will be after or before the shoot.  Then we head home.  

Comment your ideas to me at  Leave me your contact information and where you think would be the perfect Landscape photography location and why.  

I am excited to take this adventure. 

I actually stopped on the side of the road a few weeks to take this image.  Sometimes the best locations are the ones that just appear.  So think outside the box a bit. The location does not have to be a "Popular" spot.  The location could be just a place you have often driven by and thought to ourselves, that's really beautiful.  Just make sure it's safe to get out and photograph.  
Same with this Lake Crescent location.  I am inviting you to look at the world the way I do.  You will be surprised what you find when you take a different perspective on the world around us. 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Forks WA- Making Lemonade from La Nina

October 16th and I am here in Forks, WA with a Plan...well it appears that La Nina decided to botch my "Plans" and rain cats and dogs.  The drive up however was beautiful with stunning winding roads and beautiful Fall colors everywhere.  My only complaint is the the DOT does not accommodate individuals like myself, who are addicted to nature and beauty and want to pull off on any given, occasion to capture said beauty, so sadly, I have to just snap a photo in my head and drive on.... bummer.

I found this great location to stay for my two days here. The Olympic Suites Inn.  They converted what used to be an Apartment complex.  King size bedroom with Living space and a full kitchen.  Microwave, Dishwasher and Full size refrigerator and Stove/oven for cooking.  You could stay here for a solid month and have practically everything that you need and be comfortable.  

So I decided to take this quiet time and catch up with my Blog.  Got my coffee, apple fritter, water & laptop - obviously 😃  Journal and glasses.  Quiet space to write and creative music to think by on Spotify.  I am indoors with a picture window and a perfect size table from which to write.  Can't think of an alternative better way to spend my day.  

I am hopeful tomorrow will give me a window of opportunity to grab a few shots before I depart.  The plan was to go to Ruby beach today and hit a few other spots on my way back to the Motel.  I did see a sign as I was driving in to the Worlds Tallest Spruce Tree so maybe I will get lucky to grab a photograph of that on my way out.  La Push is breathtaking and First Beach as well.  You can view a few images that I previously shot from this area on my website.  

I grew up in Grays Harbor County and hardly ever did we come up here when I was a child.  I do remember fondly traveling to the Quinault Lodge for Thanksgiving or other special holidays.  Just an hour or so more would have brought us here to Forks.  

Last night I took some laid back me time and what else do you do in Forks besides taking pictures? Well you open your laptop, log into your Prime Account and watch Twilight with a glass of Vampire Wine - of course. It was actually fun.  I got to speak with my Granddaughter on the phone and reminisce  with her.  It was a perfect moment.  

As I was driving in about 5 o'clock last night I glanced to my left and this is what I saw, yes, did I say it is raining here?

I did have a small window of opportunity to pull off and grab a few shots.

Catch up again soon.




Saturday, September 25, 2021


Hey All.  I know that I said that I would be writing this blog almost daily, ...well I neglected to take into account the access to technology and great Wi fi, and getting to and from locations, plus sleep; haha, what is that, who said I need sleep.  
so let me play catch up.  

This has been so much fun traveling the East coast.  We began this trip in Burlington VT. then we progressed to a really great ski lodge called Bolton Valley Resort, from there we stayed two nights in Stow VT which was a place I could easily call home.  Everything is so relaxed there.  So after our stay in the Green Mountain Inn we have made our way to Portsmouth NH which is the third oldest cities in the country, Buildings from the 17th and 18th century line the streets,  the North Church stands like a grand lady in the center of town.  Prescott Park boasts beautiful gardens and a great view from the docks. We found a really lovely place to stay at the Anchorage Inn soon to be taken over by Comfort INN's but the Prescott Suite was simply, lovely.  I have been very surprised how quickly in retrospect how close all the villages and towns are located to one another.  Cemeteries are practically on every corner.  USA flags are respectfully posted on the graves of Military which was so wonderful to see they were not forgotten,  History is everywhere and it's breathable.  Walking on the streets and standing in or near buildings where major decisions were discussed that changed the fabric of our future as a country was so profound and powerful to me personally. My husband made the comment that our drive is a living museum, which was so spot on.  For the next few days we are staying at a sweet motel called Acadia Pines in Bar Harbor Maine. We even have a small kitchenette that was nice to actually cook bacon and eggs plus drink a decent cup of coffee the way we like it. For the last few days the rain has been coming down in sheets, so I thought I would take a few minutes to get this blog out.  

I have been so blessed on this trip to capture some amazing beauty.  I set out to capture a few covered bridges and find some light houses and a few quaint farms.  I wanted to find images that have been on my professional bucket list for years.  I got that and more!  So with the weather not exactly on my side, I took the time to get some post processing productive time in,  I am so darn excited to share with you my journey in photographic art.  I should be uploading to my gallery in just a few days.  Hear is a teaser. 

As for the food, Let's just say, we have not suffered.  Yes, we had Lobster here in Bar Harbor... so much FUN.  As for the time difference, I think I will try and keep this biological eastern time zone clock going, I get a ton done before anyone is even awake on the west coast.  Well, that's the theory and I'm sticking to it, for now any way.  Time to get back to taking more photos, time is slipping away before we jet back home.  Talk again soon.  

Sample of Photo Art by Laura


Photo Art by Laura Photography

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

12 Day Countdown.

 Well, 12 Day Countdown.  I am starting to get very excited!  

Reservations have been locked in and Pre-Flight Clearance applied for. and cleared.   We decided to have a service pick us up at 4 am and drive us to the airport and drop us off at the gate.  So I suppose we are going in style, well no limo but that comes later... haha. maybe.  

As for what I am taking to do this particular long-distance photoshoot, that was a big decision. It's not like I can just run home and get what I forgot. So my bag will include a Nikon D7000 camera, Two battery backups, Rokinon Series II Full Frame Ultra Wide Lens. Specs 14 mm F.2.8 Sigma Telephoto Lens and a Tamron 300 mm lens.  One Sunpak Ultra Pro 423 tripod.  FlashCards which holds 64 gigs each.  In addition, I am taking the laptop to do post-production work per day. If you are wondering if I will be loading images up for sale, the answer is yes.  Keep watching my Facebook and Instagram pages for updates on my progress.

Black Lake in the Fall - Olympia

Vermont and Maine they say have the best Fall Colors and it's been on my Photo Bucket List for years. I have been pinning ideas for weeks on Pinterest where to go, what to eat and what to wear,?  I purchased a few LL Bean pants and so they will coordinate nicely with a few cute tops that I already have in my wardrobe.  Fall is my favorite time of year for the season and for the clothing. Plus pumpkin everything is back, what could be better.  

So stay tuned for my updates as our trip progresses. And watch our Social Media feeds for news as well. I am always posting new information... we, at least I am trying to. Speaking of posting new information.  We are working on a LIVE Gallary Virtual showing this September 10th Friday evening at 7:00 Pacific.  So tuck in the kids or give them something to entertain themselves for about an hour so you can watch us Live on Facebook; we are trying to also do a LIVE for Instagram followers as well, if we have glitches, please be patient with any technical difficulties. Sign up early on my website so you can grab an image while they are available.  All Credit Cards are Accepted and all sales are final. In addition to this, we are also having a Flash Sale for Labor Day weekend.  10% off at check out. With a code, come over to Facebook to get the code, and don't forget to like and follow our page. 

Sunflower in blazing color

Have a fantastic and blessed day.  

Laura ~ Photo Art by Laura Fine Art Photography

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Three-week Photoshoot Coming Soon

Follow along with me on this journey.

Not many can say they have never been on a vacation.  Well, when I was young with my parents, we had vacations but I have not had the opportunity to go on a "vacation" as an adult so I am very excited. 
As my first blog post in a very long time, I thought I would take you along with me.  This post will be a three-week-long diary of my travel to a business trip/vacation to Vermont and Maine in September.  

My goal is to capture Autumn's beauty of the land and sea.  I am intent to locate a few lighthouses and covered bridges, country farms, and a few historical locations as well.
My husband and I are also really looking forward to eating an authentic Maine Lobster... 

So if you have some suggestions, please pop me an email and give me some of your suggestions. Watch for all of the amazing images that will be uploaded on a regular basis in my gallery.

Come and take a walk with me as I search for Autumn's splendor in color.