Showing posts with label Pacific Northwest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pacific Northwest. Show all posts

Monday, November 13, 2023

Title: "Capturing the Essence of Nature: The Transformative Power of Professional Landscape Photography by Photo Art by Laura" Chapter 3

 Chapter 3: The Artistry of Photo Art by Laura Photography

Author: Laura  M. C. Dusek


Title: "Capturing the Essence of Nature: The Transformative Power of Professional Landscape Photography by Photo Art by Laura"


In the realm of professional landscape photography, Photo Art by Laura stands as a shining testament to the transformative power of fine art imagery. Through unwavering dedication, As a Professional photographer, I have mastered the art of capturing the essence of nature, skillfully transforming it into captivating pieces of art. In my portfolio is a visual journey through the lush forests, sparkling lakes, and majestic mountains of Washington State, with occasional forays into the enchanting landscapes of Vermont and Maine.

A Visual Odyssey Through Nature's Beauty:

Photo Art by Laura is more than a mere collection of photographs; it is a visual odyssey through the awe-inspiring beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Each image in my portfolio is a testament to my keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the natural world. The vibrant greens of the forests, the glistening reflections in tranquil lakes, and the towering peaks of the mountains are captured with a finesse that transcends traditional photography.

Personalizing Professional Spaces:

One distinctive feature that sets Photo Art by Laura apart, is my commitment to creating commissioned works for professional spaces. This bespoke service allows clients to infuse their workplaces with the unparalleled beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Whether adorning the walls of an office, a waiting room, or a corporate boardroom, Photo Art by Laura Photography has the power to breathe new life into any environment.

The Pacific Northwest in Your Workspace:

Bringing the outdoors indoors is not merely a design choice; it's a way of fostering a connection with nature within the confines of professional spaces. As a Professional Photographer, I offer my clients the opportunity to immerse themselves in the breathtaking landscapes of the Pacific Northwest without leaving their workplaces. The vibrant hues of a Washington forest or the serene reflections of a Maine lake can now be an integral part of the daily work environment, creating a sense of tranquility and inspiration.

Tailored Commissions for Every Client:

Photo Art by Laura's commitment to personalized service extends to the commissioning process. I work closely with clients to understand their vision and preferences, ensuring that each commissioned piece aligns seamlessly with the aesthetic and atmosphere of the designated space. This bespoke approach allows for a unique and tailored integration of nature's beauty into diverse professional environments.

Elevating Corporate Aesthetics:

In the corporate world, where first impressions and ambiance play crucial roles, the choice of artwork is a reflection of a company's values and identity. Photo Art by Laura recognizes this and offers corporate clients the opportunity to elevate their aesthetics through carefully curated landscape photography. The majestic landscapes of the Pacific Northwest serve as a powerful backdrop for corporate boardrooms and executive offices, fostering a sense of sophistication and connection to the natural world.

The Artistic Process Behind the Lens:

Behind each mesmerizing photograph lies a meticulous artistic process. My dedication to my craft involves not only capturing the perfect moment but also employing post-processing techniques that enhance the inherent beauty of the landscapes. From subtle adjustments in lighting to careful color grading, each photograph undergoes a transformative journey to become a true work of art. Each piece of art is from a Limited Edition Collection. 

Space Audits: Color, Texture Combined with Photo Art by Laura Fine Art

"Embarking on a visual journey through 'Space Audits: At Photo Art by Laura we offer a service to invoke Color, & Texture, Combined with Photo Art by Laura Fine Art,' unveiling a unique exploration of the interplay between color, texture, and the transformative power of fine art photography. In this captivating fusion, Photo Art by Laura brings a fresh perspective to space audits, introducing a dynamic combination of vibrant hues and intricate textures that redefine the visual landscape. The meticulous curation of these elements not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of professional spaces but also serves as a testament to Photo Art by Laura's dedication to creating a space that is created for the customer that incorporates the fine art experiences. Through this artistic endeavor and attention to every detail of the corporate workspace, each space becomes in essence, a canvas, your (wall real estate) is purposely enhanced with the enchanting landscapes of the Pacific Northwest, reflecting both the natural beauty of the region and the skillful artistry of Photo Art by Laura."

The Impact of Nature on Well-being:

The incorporation of professional landscape photography into professional spaces goes beyond aesthetics; it has a profound impact on the well-being of individuals in those environments. Research has shown that exposure to nature, even in visual form, can reduce stress, improve concentration, and enhance overall mood. By bringing the tranquility of nature into workplaces, Photo Art by Laura contributes to a positive and inspiring atmosphere conducive to productivity and creativity.


In the realm of professional landscape photography, Photo Art by Laura emerges as a beacon of creativity and transformation. Through a keen artistic eye and a deep connection to the natural world, my work goes beyond traditional photography, capturing the very essence of nature. With a commitment to personalized commissions, Photo Art by Laura brings the beauty of the Pacific Northwest into professional spaces, elevating aesthetics, fostering well-being, and creating a lasting connection between individuals and the awe-inspiring landscapes surrounding them.

Follow Us and Like Us. 

Chapter 4: Will be Available Next Week. 

Fine Art Photography in Commercial Spaces


In the modern workplace, creating a harmonious and inspiring environment is essential for productivity and well-being. Nature's aesthetics have proven to be an effective tool in achieving this balance. Incorporating fine art photography, like my work, into professional spaces can bring the beauty of nature indoors.

Fine art photography not only enhances the visual appeal of a workspace but also fosters a sense of calm and connection to the natural world. My stunning photographs can turn ordinary office walls into windows to the outdoors, inviting employees and visitors to escape the daily grind and embrace the tranquility of Washington State's nature.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Mastering the Blue Hour: A Landscape Photographer's Guide to Captivating the Pacific Northwest

Mastering the Blue Hour: A Landscape Photographer's Guide to Captivating the Pacific Northwest

Welcome to Part 2 of our series on harnessing the power of the Golden and Blue Hours in landscape photography. In this installment, we venture into the mystic realms of the Blue Hour, and we're going to focus on one of the most photogenic places on Earth: the enchanting Pacific Northwest. With its diverse landscapes, lush forests, rugged coastlines, and serene lakes, this region offers a photographer's paradise during the Blue Hour.

The Blue Hour: A Brief Introduction

Before we dive into the specifics of capturing the Blue Hour's magic in the Pacific Northwest, let's take a moment to understand what the Blue Hour is and why it's so special.

The Blue Hour is the period of twilight just before sunrise or after sunset when the sun is below the horizon, and the sky takes on a deep, rich blue hue. Unlike the harsh daylight or warm tones of the Golden Hour, the Blue Hour offers a serene, calming ambiance with a subtle, ethereal light. It's a brief window of opportunity that transforms landscapes into mesmerizing scenes, characterized by its deep blues and soft, diffused lighting.

Why the Pacific Northwest?

The Pacific Northwest, encompassing states like Washington and Oregon, boasts an incredibly diverse range of landscapes, each more breathtaking than the last. From the rugged coastlines of the Olympic Peninsula to the mystical forests of the Cascades and the serene beauty of Crater Lake, this region is a photographer's dream come true.

During the Blue Hour, the Pacific Northwest takes on a surreal quality that enhances its already striking natural beauty. Let's explore how you can master the Blue Hour in this captivating region.

Preparing for Your Blue Hour Expedition

1. Location Scouting

Effective landscape photography during the Blue Hour begins with thorough location scouting. Research, explore, and identify the specific spots in the Pacific Northwest that speak to you. Whether it's a serene lake surrounded by towering pines or a rugged coastal bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, know your locations inside out.

2. Timing is Key

As with the Golden Hour, timing is everything during the Blue Hour. Use apps like PhotoPills or The Photographer's Ephemeris to determine when the Blue Hour occurs at your chosen location. Remember that the Blue Hour is relatively short, usually around 20-30 minutes before sunrise or after sunset, so arrive well in advance to set up your gear.

3. Essential Gear

To capture the beauty of the Pacific Northwest during the Blue Hour, you'll need some essential gear:

Camera: Invest in a DSLR or mirrorless camera with manual settings for complete control over exposure.

Sturdy Tripod: A reliable tripod is a must to keep your camera steady during longer exposures.

Wide-Angle Lens: A wide-angle lens (e.g., 16-35mm) is ideal for capturing expansive landscapes.

Remote Shutter Release: A remote or cable shutter release minimizes camera shake during long exposures.

Lens Filters: Consider using graduated neutral density (GND) or circular polarizing filters to enhance your shots.

Shooting During the Blue Hour

1. Manual Mode Mastery

Set your camera to manual mode to have full control over your exposure settings. During the Blue Hour, you'll typically use slower shutter speeds and wider apertures to let in as much light as possible. Start with a low ISO (e.g., 100 or 200) to reduce noise.

2. White Balance Settings

Experiment with different white balance settings to emphasize the rich blue hues of the Blue Hour. "Tungsten" or "Incandescent" settings can enhance the blueness of the scene, creating a dreamy atmosphere.

3. Long Exposures

To capture the soft, ethereal quality of the Blue Hour, consider using long exposures. This technique can transform water into a glassy surface and blur moving clouds for a dramatic effect. Don't forget to use your tripod and a remote shutter release to avoid camera shake.

4. Composition and Framing

Compose your shot with care. Use leading lines, foreground elements, and interesting focal points to create a visually compelling image. Pay attention to the balance of light and shadow in your frame, as the Blue Hour often adds a touch of mystery to your scenes.

5. Bracketing

Bracketing is a technique where you take multiple shots at different exposures to capture a wider dynamic range. This is particularly useful during the Blue Hour when light levels can vary dramatically. Merge these shots in post-processing to create a perfectly exposed image.

Post-Processing for the Blue Hour

Post-processing plays a crucial role in bringing out the full beauty of your Blue Hour shots. Here are some tips:

RAW Format: Shoot in RAW to retain maximum data for post-processing flexibility.

Enhance Blues: Use software like Adobe Lightroom to fine-tune the blue hues and overall color balance.

Reduce Noise: Long exposures can introduce noise. Apply noise reduction techniques to keep your images crisp and clear.

Dodge and Burn: Enhance the contrast and details in your image by dodging (lightening) and burning (darkening) specific areas.

Blue Hour Photography Ethics

As you explore the Pacific Northwest during the Blue Hour, it's essential to be mindful of the environment and the ecosystems you are capturing. Follow these ethical guidelines:

Leave No Trace: Pack out everything you bring with you, and be respectful of nature.

Stay on Trails: Avoid trampling on delicate flora or disturbing wildlife.

Respect Privacy: If you photograph people, always seek their consent and respect their privacy.


The Pacific Northwest, or anywhere for that matter, but my home in the Pacific Northwest is close to my heart, with its breathtaking landscapes, becomes even more enchanting during the Blue Hour. By mastering the art of Blue Hour photography and embracing the region's diverse natural beauty, you'll have the opportunity to create captivating and ethereal images that will leave viewers in awe.

In Part 3 of our series, we'll explore how to leverage the power of social media to showcase your Golden and Blue Hour masterpieces to a global audience. Until then, venture out into the Pacific Northwest during the Blue Hour, and let your creativity soar.

Stay tuned for more photography wisdom!

The Image  Above - is an example of the Blue Hour – Photographed by Photo Art by Laura Photography while I was in … New England.  I really did look for a Blue Hour of Home, I broke the rules.  Shot at 800 ISO 1.0 sec and opened the lens all the way to F4.0.  If I find a better one, I will post it. Guess now I have some homework (smile) Till the next time.  Enjoy the world around you and I pray it invokes abundant inspiration. 


Part 3: Social Media Strategies for Showcasing Your Golden and Blue Hour Masterpieces (Coming Soon)

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Autumn In Washington State - Places to find beautiful - Fall Colors


Autumn in Washington State: A Photographer's Guide

The fall season is a magical time in Washington State. The leaves change color, the days get shorter, and the air becomes crisp and cool. It's a time for enjoying the outdoors and capturing the beauty of nature.

As a landscape photographer, I love photographing autumn in Washington State. There are so many beautiful places to explore, and the colors are always stunning. Here are a few tips for photographing autumn landscapes in Washington State:

• Plan ahead. The best time to photograph autumn colors in Washington State is from late September to mid-October. However, the timing can vary depending on the elevation and location. Do some research to find out when the leaves will be at their peak in the area you plan to visit.

• Be patient. The weather can be unpredictable in the fall, so be prepared to wait for the perfect conditions. Cloudy days can actually be ideal for photographing autumn colors, as they can help to create a soft, diffused light.

• Use the right settings. When photographing autumn colors, it's important to use the right camera settings. I typically shoot in manual mode and set my white balance to "shade" or "cloudy". This will help to warm up the colors in the scene.

• Experiment with different compositions. There are endless possibilities when it comes to composing autumn landscape photographs. Try different angles and perspectives to find the one that you like best.

• Don't forget the details. Don't just focus on the big picture. Pay attention to the details, such as the leaves on the ground, the bark on the trees, and the reflection in the water. These details can add interest and depth to your photographs.

With a little planning and patience, you can capture some truly stunning autumn landscapes in Washington State. So get out there and start exploring!

Here are some of the best places to photograph autumn landscapes in Washington State:

I am now inspired and anxious for Autumn Colors… How about you? 

Where will you go for a Fall Color Drive this Season? 

• Leavenworth: This Bavarian-themed town in the Cascade Mountains is a popular destination for fall foliage viewing. The town is surrounded by mountains and forests, and the leaves change color in a variety of shades.

Leavenworth autumn landscape, Washington State

• Stevens Pass: This mountain pass is located between Seattle and the Cascade Mountains. It's a popular spot for hiking, camping, and fishing, and the fall colors are simply stunning.

Stevens Pass autumn landscape, Washington State

• North Cascades National Park: This park is home to some of the most beautiful scenery in Washington State. The fall colors are incredibly vibrant in the alpine meadows and around the lakes.

North Cascades National Park autumn landscape, Washington State

• Olympic National Park: This park is known for its temperate rainforests, but it also has some stunning fall foliage. The best place to see the colors is in the Hoh Rainforest and along the Sol Duc River.

Olympic National Park autumn landscape, Washington State

• Washington Park  Japanese Arboretum: This arboretum in Seattle or Spokane is home to over 10,000 different types of plants. The fall colors are especially beautiful in the Japanese Garden and around the lake.

Washington Park Japanese Arboretum autumn landscape, Washington State

I hope these tips help you capture some amazing autumn landscapes in Washington State. So get out there and start exploring!

Monday, November 1, 2021

Who's Up for An Adventure?

 So - Who's Up for An Photographic Adventure?

I am looking for some fantastic photography locations here in the Pacific Northwest - Starting off with a day trip and then working up for the long haul excursions.  If you are from the Spokane area I am reaching out to you to advise me on locations of amazing Landscapes.  To top it off, as a bonus I am open to inviting the person that makes the best suggestion to tag along with me and I will buy you lunch,  as a way to say thanks for the tip. Plus I will also gift to you one digital image of our journey. This is something I rarely do - so I wanted to make this idea very special.  You will be given a written letter of permission to post my professional image on your social media to talk about our day just as long as you give me credit in your post.  

We can make a day of it.  I will be in communication with you via video or email to select the date to head out on our adventure.  If you are in need of some pointers about your camera, please bring it along with you.  I will be happy to give you any tips that may be helpful.  I shoot only in the early morning or early evening hours.  So lunch will be after or before the shoot.  Then we head home.  

Comment your ideas to me at  Leave me your contact information and where you think would be the perfect Landscape photography location and why.  

I am excited to take this adventure. 

I actually stopped on the side of the road a few weeks to take this image.  Sometimes the best locations are the ones that just appear.  So think outside the box a bit. The location does not have to be a "Popular" spot.  The location could be just a place you have often driven by and thought to ourselves, that's really beautiful.  Just make sure it's safe to get out and photograph.  
Same with this Lake Crescent location.  I am inviting you to look at the world the way I do.  You will be surprised what you find when you take a different perspective on the world around us. 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Forks WA- Making Lemonade from La Nina

October 16th and I am here in Forks, WA with a Plan...well it appears that La Nina decided to botch my "Plans" and rain cats and dogs.  The drive up however was beautiful with stunning winding roads and beautiful Fall colors everywhere.  My only complaint is the the DOT does not accommodate individuals like myself, who are addicted to nature and beauty and want to pull off on any given, occasion to capture said beauty, so sadly, I have to just snap a photo in my head and drive on.... bummer.

I found this great location to stay for my two days here. The Olympic Suites Inn.  They converted what used to be an Apartment complex.  King size bedroom with Living space and a full kitchen.  Microwave, Dishwasher and Full size refrigerator and Stove/oven for cooking.  You could stay here for a solid month and have practically everything that you need and be comfortable.  

So I decided to take this quiet time and catch up with my Blog.  Got my coffee, apple fritter, water & laptop - obviously 😃  Journal and glasses.  Quiet space to write and creative music to think by on Spotify.  I am indoors with a picture window and a perfect size table from which to write.  Can't think of an alternative better way to spend my day.  

I am hopeful tomorrow will give me a window of opportunity to grab a few shots before I depart.  The plan was to go to Ruby beach today and hit a few other spots on my way back to the Motel.  I did see a sign as I was driving in to the Worlds Tallest Spruce Tree so maybe I will get lucky to grab a photograph of that on my way out.  La Push is breathtaking and First Beach as well.  You can view a few images that I previously shot from this area on my website.  

I grew up in Grays Harbor County and hardly ever did we come up here when I was a child.  I do remember fondly traveling to the Quinault Lodge for Thanksgiving or other special holidays.  Just an hour or so more would have brought us here to Forks.  

Last night I took some laid back me time and what else do you do in Forks besides taking pictures? Well you open your laptop, log into your Prime Account and watch Twilight with a glass of Vampire Wine - of course. It was actually fun.  I got to speak with my Granddaughter on the phone and reminisce  with her.  It was a perfect moment.  

As I was driving in about 5 o'clock last night I glanced to my left and this is what I saw, yes, did I say it is raining here?

I did have a small window of opportunity to pull off and grab a few shots.

Catch up again soon.

