Wednesday, April 10, 2024



Article Written by: Laura Dusek

As I sit here crafting this blog post, the clock reads just past 2:15 am on the Pacific coast, and here I am, wide awake with a jumble of sticky notes cluttering my mind. I find myself mentally loading the photo mobile with all the essentials that must be captured. Have you ever experienced that sudden realization while cruising down the freeway at 70 mph, halfway down I-5, when a nagging thought rushes in? That moment of inner dialogue, "Oh, darn..." followed by the reassurance that there's a store along the way where a replacement can be procured, as you continue your journey. Well, at this juncture, I'm striving to avert that inevitable pit stop.

Sunsets, waterfalls, and lighthouses, oh my! In just a few days, our forthcoming photography expedition across the Pacific Northwest promises to be a sensory delight. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or simply a lover of breathtaking vistas, every snapshot is poised to captivate. Let the anticipation soar.

This isn’t solely about photography; it's also a testament to solo camping and the strength of womanhood. I've been happily married to the love of my life for over 15 years, and he's been my unwavering support. But before our union, I navigated life independently. Somewhere along the journey, that sense of independence blurred, and this road trip serves as a reminder that the adventurous and resilient spirit within me still thrives.

Equipped with a rig that ensures my comfort, I'm armed with essentials: a cozy bed adorned with an electric blanket, a plush mattress to cushion my aging bones, a refrigerator to safeguard my sustenance, ensuring my coffee creamer remains stocked—a non-negotiable if you ask me. And let's not forget the luxury of instant hot water, albeit after a brief three-minute wait.

Now, onto those mental sticky notes... First, the imperative 5-gallon water bucket comes to mind. Followed by the rain jacket, with a mental note not to overlook the waterproof pants, still pristine in their packaging. Bottles of drinking water warrant their own reminder. Then, my thoughts drift to the content I wish to share about my journey, envisioning the magnificent beaches and cascading waterfalls awaiting my lens.

This fourteen-night-long excursion transcends mere personal rejuvenation; it's an opportunity to share my passion with you. Through my lens and the written word, I aim to unveil the awe-inspiring beauty of nature, inviting you to experience it vicariously.

So now that I have successfully unclogged my brain of sticky notes, it’s time to return to my pillow and be refreshed to get ready for this forthcoming adventure.

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