Tuesday, April 30, 2024

"Capturing Coastal Majesty: A Journey Through the Oregon Coast - Episode 8"

written by: Laura Dusek -

 Blogger & Freelance Photographer

On the Road with Laura & Photo Art by Laura Photography: Our journey through the Oregon Coast was a unique blend of adventure and serenity. We kicked off with a memorable camping night at Washington State Park – Millersylvania, after a scenic five-hour drive from Spokane. The landscape was a vibrant painting, with the spring farm hues dancing under the clear blue skies and fluffy white clouds.

Despite some technical hiccups with the GoPro, which failed to capture certain moments like passing through Moses Lake and my mention of the possibility of glimpsing the Aurora Borealis during Sun flares when they happen, our video still offers breathtaking glimpses into our excursion. Don't miss out on the awe-inspiring photographs and video footage awaiting you.

As we continued our journey, a brief stop in Ellensburg for snacks revealed the need to enhance our recording setup in the future for better front-facing views. Though we encountered snowfall on Snoqualmie Pass in May, the lack of safe stopping points prevented us from sharing this natural spectacle directly.


Upon reaching our destination at Millersylvania State Park, I navigated the campsite terrain, encountering unexpected challenges like closed facilities and nighttime walks to the restroom. However, armed with determination and the promise of capturing sunrise shots, I persisted. This journey was not without its hurdles, but it was these very challenges that made it all the more rewarding. Check out the video [link] to get a deeper understanding of this article. We've also addressed equipment issues, opting for a taller, sturdier stand for future recordings. Hey, we are close to getting 50 subscribers. When we get there, I can record LIVE on YouTube. Could you help a gal out? The current count is 38.

Back at the campsite, a minor setback with the inverter was resolved with the unexpected help of loved ones, reinforcing the importance of community and resourcefulness in outdoor adventures. A brief visit from family provided warmth and comfort amidst the chilly conditions. Thank you, Faith, for the coffee. This experience reminded me of the value of community in our journeys, and I'm grateful for the support I have. 

After resolving the technical issue (it's handy to have a toolbox with you and a husband who can walk you through electrical problems), I pressed on with my journey, relieved that no further disruptions were encountered. Departing for Astoria the following morning, I eagerly anticipated the next chapter of our adventure, just over a two-hour drive away. 

Get ready for the next chapter of our adventure in Episode 9, Chapter 2. We're about to uncover more hidden gems and share more breathtaking moments with you

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