Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Real Costs and Value of Professional Photography: Clearing Up Misconceptions

Author: Laura Dusek - Professional Photographer

In the past few days, I've encountered a recurring misconception about the "Right to Use" images and the distinctions between Copyright and Intellectual Property. As a professional photographer, it's vital to address these misunderstandings and highlight the true value of our work.

Understanding Copyright and Intellectual Property

Firstly, it's essential to recognize that a photographer's livelihood is built upon the images they create. These images are not merely products but reflections of their skill, creativity, and years of experience. By law, the common law copyright belongs to the person who took the image, giving them the exclusive right to use and distribute their work.

The Financial Realities of Running a Photography Studio

Running a photography business is far from inexpensive. Consider these monthly expenses and efforts:

  • Studio Costs: $3000+ per month
  • Communication: 5-10 hours of online or phone communication
  • Emails: 3-8 depending on the project details
  • Phone Calls & In-Person Meetings: Numerous
  • Scheduling & Shoot Day: Minimum of 2 hours
  • Equipment Costs:
  • Camera body: $4000
  • Lenses, lights, props: $$$
  • Insurance fees: $18 monthly
  • Licensing fees for stock images: Varies
  • Software fees (Adobe & others): $40 monthly or $480 yearly
  • Quality review software for client selection: $40 monthly or $480 yearly
  • Lab fees: 4%
  • Camera maintenance and equipment replacement
  • Continued education: $800-$2000 yearly
  • Editing: 3-5 days of solid work at $40-$100 per hour
  • Credit Card Processing Fees: 3-6% of the total
  • Yearly Taxes: $3000 or more
  • Computer Costs: $4000
  • Storage Costs: Hard drives for backups
  • Printing Costs: Paper, ink, printers

These expenses illustrate the significant investment a photographer makes to provide high-quality services and products.

The Misconception of "Basement Pricing"

Many clients see amateur photographers or those with only a cellphone offering low prices and assume that all photographers should charge similarly. However, this overlooks the substantial costs and investments professionals incur to ensure they deliver the best quality. When a client haggles over a price package, they often fail to realize that this package barely covers the business expenses, let alone provides a sustainable profit.

The Value of Professionalism

Think about other professionals—physicians, attorneys, mechanics, hairdressers, florists, lawn maintenance services. Do you negotiate with them or shop around for garage deals? Typically, no. You expect to pay their fees because you trust in their expertise and the quality of their work.

Why Professional Photographers Don't Give Clients Full Rights to a Photograph

In the world of professional photography, the question often arises: why don't photographers grant clients full rights to the photographs? 

The answer lies in the fundamental principles of copyright, the nature of the photographer's business, and the value of their creative work. Here are some key reasons:

1. Preserving Intellectual Property

Photographers, like other artists, create intellectual property when they capture an image. By law, the copyright to the photograph belongs to the photographer from the moment the shutter clicks. This copyright grants the photographer exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and display the image. These rights are the cornerstone of a photographer’s business, allowing them to control how their work is used and to protect their creative investment.

2. Protecting Revenue Streams

Photographers make a living by licensing the use of their images, not by giving them away. Licensing allows clients to use the images for specific purposes while the photographer retains the right to use the images in other ways, potentially creating additional revenue streams. Granting full rights to a client would eliminate the possibility of future earnings from those images, severely impacting the photographer's ability to sustain their business.

3. Maintaining Creative Control

When photographers retain the rights to their images, they can ensure that their work is used in a way that aligns with their brand and creative vision. Full rights could lead to the images being altered or used in contexts that could damage the photographer's reputation. By controlling the use of their work, photographers can maintain the integrity and quality of their portfolio.

4. Ensuring Proper Attribution

Retaining copyright ensures that photographers receive proper credit for their work. Attribution is not only a matter of professional pride but also a critical marketing tool. When images are used and credited correctly, they serve as a form of advertising, potentially attracting new clients and opportunities.

5. Legal and Ethical Considerations

Professional photographers often have to navigate complex legal and ethical landscapes. Granting full rights can sometimes lead to unforeseen legal complications, especially if the images are used inappropriately or in contexts that could lead to disputes. By retaining control, photographers can better manage these risks.


Professional photographers invest significantly in their craft, from equipment and software to continued education and business expenses. The packages they offer are not just about taking photos but about providing a high-quality, skillful service that reflects years of investment and dedication. It's essential to recognize and respect this when considering the cost of professional photography services.

While it might seem more straightforward for clients to receive full rights to the photographs they commission, doing so would undermine the photographer's business model, creative control, and legal protections. Instead, licensing agreements are designed to balance the needs of the client with the rights of the photographer, ensuring that both parties benefit from the transaction. This approach not only supports the sustainability of the photography industry but also preserves the integrity and value of the creative work.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

How Do You Select Art for Your Professional Space?

Author: Laura Dusek

Selecting art for your professional space is more than just a decorative choice; it’s an opportunity to enhance your environment, reflect your brand, and inspire those who work and visit there. Here’s how to do it thoughtfully and effectively, with expert insights from Photo Art by Laura, your go-to freelance photography service.

1. Reflect Your Brand Identity

Your professional space should communicate who you are. Are you a tech startup that thrives on innovation, or a law firm exuding tradition and trust? The art you choose should echo your brand’s core values and ethos.

Tip from Laura: Select pieces that use your brand’s color palette or that convey the energy and tone you want to project. Abstract art might be perfect for a creative agency, while classic landscapes could suit a financial institution or the like.

2. Consider Your Audience

Who will see this art? Employees, clients, or both? Art can create a welcoming and engaging atmosphere, so think about the message you want to send to your audience.

Tip from Laura: In client-facing areas, choose pieces that evoke calm and professionalism. In employee areas, you might opt for more dynamic or inspiring works to boost creativity and morale.

3. Size and Placement Matters

The size of the artwork should complement the space. A small piece on a large wall can feel lost, while an oversized piece in a tiny office can be overwhelming.

Tip from Laura: Measure your wall space before purchasing. For large open areas, consider a series of smaller pieces grouped together for a cohesive look. We offer a wide range of services to help you choose the perfect piece or series of pieces.

4. Support Local Artists

Choosing local artists not only supports your community but also adds a unique touch to your space. It can also be a great conversation starter and show your commitment to local culture and talent.

Tip from Laura: Visit local galleries, art fairs, or online platforms that feature local artists. This approach often offers more affordable and customizable options. Or just contact us to have us come into your space to assist you in selecting customizable options for your professional space. We offer a Space Audit Service to guide you through this process.

5. Think Long-Term

Trends come and go, but your art investment should be timeless. Choose pieces that you love and that can grow with your company. Art should enhance your space for years to come. Think of art like a classic business suit or black dress—they are timeless.

Tip from Laura: Opt for classic styles or versatile pieces that can fit different decor themes as your space evolves. How many of you can pick out carpet that was installed in the early '70s from a mile away?

6. Balance Aesthetics and Functionality

While aesthetics are crucial, don’t forget the functionality of your space. Art should enhance the environment, not hinder it. For instance, in a conference room, avoid overly distracting pieces that could divert attention during meetings. These pieces should inspire the viewer but stay true to the company's brand.

Tip from Laura: Consider the lighting and furniture in the room to ensure the art integrates well without clashing with other elements.

7. Personal Connection

Choose art that resonates with you personally. Your connection to the piece can translate into a more genuine and engaging atmosphere.

Tip from Laura: Look for art that tells a story or evokes a particular feeling or memory. This personal touch can make your space feel more authentic and inviting. Consider employing our freelance service to have a custom-commissioned piece created. Also, consider that you are in this space for 8-12 hours per day. 

8. Budget Wisely

Art can be a significant investment, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. Set a budget and explore various options, from canvas to acrylics, within your price range. Remember, quality over quantity is key.

Tip from Laura: High-end pieces are an investment but worth it. What is your budget? We are happy to help you with the entire process. This shows you care about your brand and the quality of your product, building your clients' trust. This blend can create a sophisticated look without overspending.

9. Rotate Artworks

To keep your space feeling fresh, consider rotating your artworks periodically. This not only keeps the environment dynamic but also allows you to showcase different pieces over time.

Tip from Laura: Establish a rotating schedule that aligns with seasons, company milestones, or events. This approach keeps the decor interesting and relevant. We can establish a subscription with you to keep your art fresh.

10. Consult with Professionals

If you’re unsure about your choices, don’t hesitate to consult with art professionals. Interior designers, art consultants, and gallery curators can provide expert advice tailored to your needs and preferences.

Tip from Laura: Professional guidance can help you make informed decisions and discover artworks you might not have considered otherwise. We are certified interior decorators and can help you with this.


Selecting art for your professional space is a journey of creativity, reflection, and strategic thinking. By considering your brand, audience, space, and personal tastes, you can create an environment that is not only visually appealing but also inspiring and functional. Take the time to choose thoughtfully, and your professional space will reflect the best of who you are.

For personalized consultations and to explore stunning art pieces tailored to your professional space, reach out to Photo Art by Laura. With Laura's expertise, your space will transform into a masterpiece.

Happy decorating!