Showing posts with label Article. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Article. Show all posts

Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Real Costs and Value of Professional Photography: Clearing Up Misconceptions

Author: Laura Dusek - Professional Photographer

In the past few days, I've encountered a recurring misconception about the "Right to Use" images and the distinctions between Copyright and Intellectual Property. As a professional photographer, it's vital to address these misunderstandings and highlight the true value of our work.

Understanding Copyright and Intellectual Property

Firstly, it's essential to recognize that a photographer's livelihood is built upon the images they create. These images are not merely products but reflections of their skill, creativity, and years of experience. By law, the common law copyright belongs to the person who took the image, giving them the exclusive right to use and distribute their work.

The Financial Realities of Running a Photography Studio

Running a photography business is far from inexpensive. Consider these monthly expenses and efforts:

  • Studio Costs: $3000+ per month
  • Communication: 5-10 hours of online or phone communication
  • Emails: 3-8 depending on the project details
  • Phone Calls & In-Person Meetings: Numerous
  • Scheduling & Shoot Day: Minimum of 2 hours
  • Equipment Costs:
  • Camera body: $4000
  • Lenses, lights, props: $$$
  • Insurance fees: $18 monthly
  • Licensing fees for stock images: Varies
  • Software fees (Adobe & others): $40 monthly or $480 yearly
  • Quality review software for client selection: $40 monthly or $480 yearly
  • Lab fees: 4%
  • Camera maintenance and equipment replacement
  • Continued education: $800-$2000 yearly
  • Editing: 3-5 days of solid work at $40-$100 per hour
  • Credit Card Processing Fees: 3-6% of the total
  • Yearly Taxes: $3000 or more
  • Computer Costs: $4000
  • Storage Costs: Hard drives for backups
  • Printing Costs: Paper, ink, printers

These expenses illustrate the significant investment a photographer makes to provide high-quality services and products.

The Misconception of "Basement Pricing"

Many clients see amateur photographers or those with only a cellphone offering low prices and assume that all photographers should charge similarly. However, this overlooks the substantial costs and investments professionals incur to ensure they deliver the best quality. When a client haggles over a price package, they often fail to realize that this package barely covers the business expenses, let alone provides a sustainable profit.

The Value of Professionalism

Think about other professionals—physicians, attorneys, mechanics, hairdressers, florists, lawn maintenance services. Do you negotiate with them or shop around for garage deals? Typically, no. You expect to pay their fees because you trust in their expertise and the quality of their work.

Why Professional Photographers Don't Give Clients Full Rights to a Photograph

In the world of professional photography, the question often arises: why don't photographers grant clients full rights to the photographs? 

The answer lies in the fundamental principles of copyright, the nature of the photographer's business, and the value of their creative work. Here are some key reasons:

1. Preserving Intellectual Property

Photographers, like other artists, create intellectual property when they capture an image. By law, the copyright to the photograph belongs to the photographer from the moment the shutter clicks. This copyright grants the photographer exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and display the image. These rights are the cornerstone of a photographer’s business, allowing them to control how their work is used and to protect their creative investment.

2. Protecting Revenue Streams

Photographers make a living by licensing the use of their images, not by giving them away. Licensing allows clients to use the images for specific purposes while the photographer retains the right to use the images in other ways, potentially creating additional revenue streams. Granting full rights to a client would eliminate the possibility of future earnings from those images, severely impacting the photographer's ability to sustain their business.

3. Maintaining Creative Control

When photographers retain the rights to their images, they can ensure that their work is used in a way that aligns with their brand and creative vision. Full rights could lead to the images being altered or used in contexts that could damage the photographer's reputation. By controlling the use of their work, photographers can maintain the integrity and quality of their portfolio.

4. Ensuring Proper Attribution

Retaining copyright ensures that photographers receive proper credit for their work. Attribution is not only a matter of professional pride but also a critical marketing tool. When images are used and credited correctly, they serve as a form of advertising, potentially attracting new clients and opportunities.

5. Legal and Ethical Considerations

Professional photographers often have to navigate complex legal and ethical landscapes. Granting full rights can sometimes lead to unforeseen legal complications, especially if the images are used inappropriately or in contexts that could lead to disputes. By retaining control, photographers can better manage these risks.


Professional photographers invest significantly in their craft, from equipment and software to continued education and business expenses. The packages they offer are not just about taking photos but about providing a high-quality, skillful service that reflects years of investment and dedication. It's essential to recognize and respect this when considering the cost of professional photography services.

While it might seem more straightforward for clients to receive full rights to the photographs they commission, doing so would undermine the photographer's business model, creative control, and legal protections. Instead, licensing agreements are designed to balance the needs of the client with the rights of the photographer, ensuring that both parties benefit from the transaction. This approach not only supports the sustainability of the photography industry but also preserves the integrity and value of the creative work.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

How Do You Select Art for Your Professional Space?

Author: Laura Dusek

Selecting art for your professional space is more than just a decorative choice; it’s an opportunity to enhance your environment, reflect your brand, and inspire those who work and visit there. Here’s how to do it thoughtfully and effectively, with expert insights from Photo Art by Laura, your go-to freelance photography service.

1. Reflect Your Brand Identity

Your professional space should communicate who you are. Are you a tech startup that thrives on innovation, or a law firm exuding tradition and trust? The art you choose should echo your brand’s core values and ethos.

Tip from Laura: Select pieces that use your brand’s color palette or that convey the energy and tone you want to project. Abstract art might be perfect for a creative agency, while classic landscapes could suit a financial institution or the like.

2. Consider Your Audience

Who will see this art? Employees, clients, or both? Art can create a welcoming and engaging atmosphere, so think about the message you want to send to your audience.

Tip from Laura: In client-facing areas, choose pieces that evoke calm and professionalism. In employee areas, you might opt for more dynamic or inspiring works to boost creativity and morale.

3. Size and Placement Matters

The size of the artwork should complement the space. A small piece on a large wall can feel lost, while an oversized piece in a tiny office can be overwhelming.

Tip from Laura: Measure your wall space before purchasing. For large open areas, consider a series of smaller pieces grouped together for a cohesive look. We offer a wide range of services to help you choose the perfect piece or series of pieces.

4. Support Local Artists

Choosing local artists not only supports your community but also adds a unique touch to your space. It can also be a great conversation starter and show your commitment to local culture and talent.

Tip from Laura: Visit local galleries, art fairs, or online platforms that feature local artists. This approach often offers more affordable and customizable options. Or just contact us to have us come into your space to assist you in selecting customizable options for your professional space. We offer a Space Audit Service to guide you through this process.

5. Think Long-Term

Trends come and go, but your art investment should be timeless. Choose pieces that you love and that can grow with your company. Art should enhance your space for years to come. Think of art like a classic business suit or black dress—they are timeless.

Tip from Laura: Opt for classic styles or versatile pieces that can fit different decor themes as your space evolves. How many of you can pick out carpet that was installed in the early '70s from a mile away?

6. Balance Aesthetics and Functionality

While aesthetics are crucial, don’t forget the functionality of your space. Art should enhance the environment, not hinder it. For instance, in a conference room, avoid overly distracting pieces that could divert attention during meetings. These pieces should inspire the viewer but stay true to the company's brand.

Tip from Laura: Consider the lighting and furniture in the room to ensure the art integrates well without clashing with other elements.

7. Personal Connection

Choose art that resonates with you personally. Your connection to the piece can translate into a more genuine and engaging atmosphere.

Tip from Laura: Look for art that tells a story or evokes a particular feeling or memory. This personal touch can make your space feel more authentic and inviting. Consider employing our freelance service to have a custom-commissioned piece created. Also, consider that you are in this space for 8-12 hours per day. 

8. Budget Wisely

Art can be a significant investment, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. Set a budget and explore various options, from canvas to acrylics, within your price range. Remember, quality over quantity is key.

Tip from Laura: High-end pieces are an investment but worth it. What is your budget? We are happy to help you with the entire process. This shows you care about your brand and the quality of your product, building your clients' trust. This blend can create a sophisticated look without overspending.

9. Rotate Artworks

To keep your space feeling fresh, consider rotating your artworks periodically. This not only keeps the environment dynamic but also allows you to showcase different pieces over time.

Tip from Laura: Establish a rotating schedule that aligns with seasons, company milestones, or events. This approach keeps the decor interesting and relevant. We can establish a subscription with you to keep your art fresh.

10. Consult with Professionals

If you’re unsure about your choices, don’t hesitate to consult with art professionals. Interior designers, art consultants, and gallery curators can provide expert advice tailored to your needs and preferences.

Tip from Laura: Professional guidance can help you make informed decisions and discover artworks you might not have considered otherwise. We are certified interior decorators and can help you with this.


Selecting art for your professional space is a journey of creativity, reflection, and strategic thinking. By considering your brand, audience, space, and personal tastes, you can create an environment that is not only visually appealing but also inspiring and functional. Take the time to choose thoughtfully, and your professional space will reflect the best of who you are.

For personalized consultations and to explore stunning art pieces tailored to your professional space, reach out to Photo Art by Laura. With Laura's expertise, your space will transform into a masterpiece.

Happy decorating!

Friday, June 7, 2024

What is the Difference between a Traditional Photographer and a Freelance?


written by: Laura Dusek

The Unique World of Freelance Photography: How It Stands Apart from Traditional Photography

Photography is a diverse and dynamic field, offering a wide array of career paths. Among these, the roles of freelance photographers and traditional photographers are often compared. While both professionals share a passion for capturing moments and telling stories through their lenses, their approaches and daily routines can differ significantly. Let me explain a bit.  What sets freelance photographers apart from their traditional counterparts. 

Flexibility and Independence

One of the most defining characteristics of a freelance photographer is the level of flexibility and independence they enjoy. Unlike traditional photographers who might work for a studio or a media company with set hours and assignments, freelance photographers have the freedom to choose their projects and set their schedules. This autonomy allows them to pursue a wide range of photography genres, from Landscapes to family portraits and commercial travel photography. 

Diverse Client Base

As a Freelance photographer, I often work with a more diverse client base compared to traditional photographers who may have a steady stream of clients through their employer. Freelancers must constantly market themselves, network, and seek out new clients. This aspect of freelancing can be both challenging and rewarding, as it allows photographers to build a broad portfolio and develop versatile skills.

Self-Management and Business Skills

Running a freelance photography business requires more than just technical skill with a camera. Freelance photographers must also manage all aspects of their business, including marketing, client communication, scheduling, budgeting, and sometimes even accounting. This self-management aspect means that freelance photographers need to possess strong business acumen in addition to their creative talents.

Creative Freedom

As a Freelance photographer, I  often enjoy greater creative freedom in my work. While traditional photographers might have to adhere to the style and guidelines set by their employer, this is where my artistic eye really shines,  as a freelancer I  have the liberty to explore my own artistic visions and experiment with new techniques. This freedom can lead to more innovative and personalized work, which can be highly appealing to clients looking for unique and customized photography services.

Adapting to Varied Environments

Freelance photographers must be adaptable and versatile, ready to shoot in a variety of locations and conditions. They might find themselves working in a client's home one day and a bustling city street the next. This constant change of scenery can be exciting and inspiring, pushing freelancers to continuously hone their skills and think on their feet. 

Networking and Building Relationships

Networking is a crucial part of my profession. Building and maintaining relationships with clients, other photographers, and industry professionals can lead to more job opportunities and collaborations. Unlike traditional photographers who may have a stable flow of work through their employer, freelancers must actively seek out and cultivate these connections to sustain and grow their business.

Personal Branding

Freelance photographers must establish a strong personal brand to stand out in a competitive market. This involves creating a distinct style, maintaining an engaging online presence through a website and social media, and consistently delivering high-quality work that reflects their unique perspective. Traditional photographers may rely more on the reputation of their employer or studio, but freelancers must build and promote their brand independently.


The world of freelance photography offers a unique blend of challenges and opportunities that set it apart from traditional photography roles. Freelance photographers enjoy greater flexibility, creative freedom, and the chance to work with a diverse array of clients. However, they also face the demands of running their own business and constantly seeking out new opportunities. For those who thrive on independence and variety, freelance photography can be an incredibly rewarding career path that allows for personal growth and artistic expression.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Exploring the Oregon Coast Part II: A Photographer's Journey with Laura Photography

written by: Laura Dusek, Freelance Landscape Photographer

Well, I have to say that my experience traveling along the Oregon Coast was nothing short of a wonderful, enlightening, and a profound learning experience all rolled into one. From the moment I turned the key to start the engine of my photo mobile, I knew this journey would be special. I promised to share some of the hidden gems of my trip, and here they are!

Starting the Adventure: The Park Pass and a Goonies Doubloon

The first stop on my adventure was to purchase a Park Pass. To my delight, I received a Goonies Doubloon – way cool! If you’re old enough to know, then you know. This little piece of nostalgia set the tone for the rest of my trip.

Camping at Warrenton, Oregon KOA

I camped at the Warrenton, Oregon KOA, which was a fantastic experience. The staff were incredibly helpful, providing information on the best spots to explore. Our first adventure was a stroll along the Warrenton Waterfront Trail, a path once traveled by Lewis & Clark. We were lucky enough to spot American White Pelicans, a first for me. The lesson learned? Even though the walk was long, next time, I'll bring the heavy lens – it’s worth it for shots like these.

Discovering Fort Stevens

Fort Stevens was a real treat for two reasons: it was conveniently located across from my campsite and I finally captured a photo of the Peter Iredale shipwreck, a shot that has been on my bucket list. The beaches of Oregon are distinct from those in Washington State, or perhaps it was just my photographer’s perspective. Viewing the sunsets with the eyes of a photographer, rather than a tourist, was a treasure in itself. I had the chance to chat with some wonderful people while waiting for the perfect moment to capture the sunset.

Sunrise at Hug Point 

the image above (c) copyright protected

The following day, I traveled up the coast along Highway 101 to Hug Point. Determined to catch the first light of the day, I arrived at sunrise. The colors and textures of the coast and beach were breathtaking, and I almost had the entire beach to myself. However, I forgot to check the tide table, which is crucial at Hug Point due to the rising tide. This turned out to be more of a scouting trip, but it was valuable nonetheless.

Copyright Protected: Photo Art by Laura 2024

Exploring More Hidden Gems

Throughout the day, we continued our journey along Highway 101, stopping at various vantage points to explore and get our bearings. We visited Arcadia Park, Seaside, Ecola State Park, Cannon Beach, and even made it as far as Thor’s Well. Despite all the places we visited, there is still so much left to see – a strong reason to return.

Capturing Memories and Learning

Reflecting on my trip, I realize how much I learned and how many wonderful memories I captured through my lens. Each location had its own unique charm and presented different photographic opportunities. From the serene beaches to the historical landmarks, the Oregon Coast is truly a treasure trove for any photographer.

Join Me on My Journey

I invite you to watch the videos and get a sense of my excitement and passion for capturing the beauty of the Oregon Coast. Subscribe to my YouTube ChanneYouTube Channel for more behind-the-scenes looks at my photography adventures and follow me on Instagram to see the stunning shots from this trip.

Exploring the Oregon Coast was an unforgettable journey, and I can't wait to return and discover even more hidden gems. Whether you’re a fellow photographer or just someone who loves beautiful landscapes, I hope my experiences inspire you to embark on your own adventure along the Oregon Coast.

Enhance your visit by checking out these amazing spots:

Embrace the journey, capture the moments, and let the Oregon Coast inspire your next photographic adventure!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

"Capturing Coastal Majesty: A Journey Through the Oregon Coast - Episode 8"

written by: Laura Dusek -

 Blogger & Freelance Photographer

On the Road with Laura & Photo Art by Laura Photography: Our journey through the Oregon Coast was a unique blend of adventure and serenity. We kicked off with a memorable camping night at Washington State Park – Millersylvania, after a scenic five-hour drive from Spokane. The landscape was a vibrant painting, with the spring farm hues dancing under the clear blue skies and fluffy white clouds.

Despite some technical hiccups with the GoPro, which failed to capture certain moments like passing through Moses Lake and my mention of the possibility of glimpsing the Aurora Borealis during Sun flares when they happen, our video still offers breathtaking glimpses into our excursion. Don't miss out on the awe-inspiring photographs and video footage awaiting you.

As we continued our journey, a brief stop in Ellensburg for snacks revealed the need to enhance our recording setup in the future for better front-facing views. Though we encountered snowfall on Snoqualmie Pass in May, the lack of safe stopping points prevented us from sharing this natural spectacle directly.


Upon reaching our destination at Millersylvania State Park, I navigated the campsite terrain, encountering unexpected challenges like closed facilities and nighttime walks to the restroom. However, armed with determination and the promise of capturing sunrise shots, I persisted. This journey was not without its hurdles, but it was these very challenges that made it all the more rewarding. Check out the video [link] to get a deeper understanding of this article. We've also addressed equipment issues, opting for a taller, sturdier stand for future recordings. Hey, we are close to getting 50 subscribers. When we get there, I can record LIVE on YouTube. Could you help a gal out? The current count is 38.

Back at the campsite, a minor setback with the inverter was resolved with the unexpected help of loved ones, reinforcing the importance of community and resourcefulness in outdoor adventures. A brief visit from family provided warmth and comfort amidst the chilly conditions. Thank you, Faith, for the coffee. This experience reminded me of the value of community in our journeys, and I'm grateful for the support I have. 

After resolving the technical issue (it's handy to have a toolbox with you and a husband who can walk you through electrical problems), I pressed on with my journey, relieved that no further disruptions were encountered. Departing for Astoria the following morning, I eagerly anticipated the next chapter of our adventure, just over a two-hour drive away. 

Get ready for the next chapter of our adventure in Episode 9, Chapter 2. We're about to uncover more hidden gems and share more breathtaking moments with you

Friday, April 5, 2024

Ten Days and Counting - Oregon Bound



Can you feel the anticipation in the air? I sure can! It's been a hot minute since I've gone camping, but let me tell you, the thrill of hitting the great outdoors with my camera in hand is something I've been yearning for.

In just ten days, I'll be loading up my trusty Photo Mobile and setting off on an epic journey to explore the stunning Oregon Coast and the majestic Columbia Gorge, chasing waterfalls and capturing moments that will last a lifetime. It's not just a trip; it's a grand adventure, and I can hardly contain my excitement!

Now, let's address the elephant in the room: April showers. Yep, they're a thing, especially in the Pacific Northwest. But hey, I've got my raincoat ready, and I'm not one to shy away from a little liquid sunshine. With a positive attitude and a sturdy pair of boots, I'm ready to embrace whatever Mother Nature throws my way.

But before I hit the road, there are a couple of exciting updates I just have to share with you. I've got two game-changing pieces of equipment on the way, both of which will take my photography game to new heights. Want a sneak peek? You know where to find me—on my YouTube channel @photoartbylauraphotography.

Now, let's talk safety. As a solo camper, I've taken some precautions, including installing curtains in my rig to keep a low profile. Let me tell you, it was quite the DIY adventure—think cutting your own bangs gone wrong! But with a little creativity and teamwork, we made it work, and now I'm feeling stealthier than ever.

Speaking of teamwork, I've got to give a shoutout to my amazing husband, who's been instrumental in turning my overland dreams into reality. With his expertise in CAD and carpentry, he's transformed my vision into a beautifully functional setup that's ready for any adventure.

Now, let's talk about meals. Rain or shine, a girl's gotta eat, right? I've come up with some clever pre-planned meals that I can cook inside the car, just in case. And with my new heatable lunchbox, I'll be enjoying warm, hearty meals on the go—almost like having a mini crockpot in the car! Of course, I'll need to keep an eye on power usage to avoid any battery mishaps, but hey, that's all part of the adventure, right?  This Blog is not sponsored yet, maybe someday, but I just thought I would pass around the love to anyone else out there with a few links to some of the products I use or have tried. 

Camping in the Photo Mobile isn't just about convenience—it's also a smart financial move. Let's be real, hotel rooms can add up fast, especially when you're on the road for an extended period. By bunking in my cozy rig, I'm able to stretch my budget further and spend more time doing what I love—capturing breathtaking images of nature's wonders.

And hey, if you're enjoying following along with my adventures, why not consider supporting my dream? I've got a membership platform where you can access exclusive content and help keep me on the road, doing what I love. Every bit of support means the world to me, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

So, are you ready to join me on this wild ride? From this blog to my YouTube channel, I'll be sharing every moment of the journey with you. Sure, I may be a one-woman show for now, but who knows what the future holds? Until then, I'll keep honing my skills and soaking up every second of this incredible adventure.

Thanks for being part of the journey, and until next time—happy trails! 🌟

Thursday, March 21, 2024

We are Officially a YouTube Page!

 Yep... Officially a YouTube Page is LIVE!

On the Road with LAURA

I took the plunge, or rather got a ton more motivated!  About two years ago I posted two slideshow videos of some of my work and then after that, I just forgot about it. If you don't do something often enough and make it a habit, it gets lost and that is exactly what happened. 

So on the First day of Spring I took off the procrastination hat and got out my GoPro to practice - went out into the yard, thankful that the ground was not soaked, and basked in the sunlight, oh my gosh I missed it. The sun I mean.  I spent the better part of, oh 5 minutes videotaping the fresh blooms of Crocus flowers as they have sprouted through my underbrush.  

You can find the link here or go to the section on the right of this blog where it says - How to Find Me.  

I have been doing a ton of research on how to make it better. Intro and Exit video. My message and just how to generally get the word out about my photography.  

My plan is still fluid at the moment, but I do plan on using my GoPro to keep a journal of what I do when I am out and about, showing my camping set-up and all the ups and downs that go with that portion of the adventure.  Posting videos on my actual work and documenting my thought process.  

When I say, that I got a ton more motivated - it is to say I want to document my passion and show people what I do and why it drives me.  I know I am no spring chicken and my body moves a ton more slowly than someone of a younger energy level than myself. I was actually watching a video that Thomas Heaton recently did on getting out there and it inspired me.  Here is his link

I can really relate to his dream... 

I am in my Legacy years and yet my brain and heart says, "Yes I can"... get out of your own darn way and get to it.  Quit getting lost in detours.  So that is what I have done, I have a course, a direction, and I am staying focused (no pun intended) and my goal will be to follow my dream and get out there and so my JOB.  If this just turns out to simply allow me to find my happy place and bask in the beauty of this wonder we call home and not make a cent, well I need to be okay with that.  But yes, I do want to make a living at what I love to do.  It takes money to get out there and let's be honest, Gasoline is expensive.  

I want to inspire others, especially women.  I want to inspire my Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren.  Yep, you read correctly, I am a Great Grandmother.  I want to inspire them and leave a Legacy for them to be proud of.  "My Grandmother is Laura Dusek - Photo Art by Laura Photography.  The Landscape photographer, have you heard of her?" 

There are Not many women Landscape Photographers out there, but I have a desire, to be someone who is known.  If you would like to help me with that - do me a favor and Subscribe to my Videos and this Blog.  Check out my artwork on my business webpage. It would mean the World to me if you would support my Dream.  Thank you.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Photo Art by Laura Photography: Exploring the Pacific Northwest: A Photography Expedition from Spokane, WA, to Newport, OR.


Article Written by: Laura Dusek

Prepare to embark with me on a mesmerizing photography expedition that begins in the vibrant city of Spokane, Washington, and winds its way through the diverse landscapes of the Pacific Northwest, culminating in the picturesque coastal town of Newport, Oregon. We are preparing to travel in early Spring 2024.

Our journey commences bidding farewell to the beautiful city of Spokane, where the bustling cityscape gives way to the serene beauty of the surrounding countryside.

We will venture westward, as we set out on I-90 then Highway 395, meandering through the rolling hills and verdant valleys of eastern Washington. As we traverse this scenic route, cameras are poised to capture the rugged charm of the landscape, from golden fields stretching to the horizon to the majestic peaks of the Cascade Range looming in the distance.

Join me as we explore the Beauty of the Inland Northwest, we'll capture the rugged beauty of the mountainous terrain and the tranquil charm of the rural landscapes. From sweeping vistas of rolling hills to intimate snapshots of small-town life, each frame tells a story of the unique character and spirit of the Pacific Northwest.

Continuing our journey, we merge onto Interstate 84, following the Columbia River as it carves its way through the rugged terrain of the Pacific Northwest. Along the way, we make a stop at the iconic Multnomah Falls, where the cascading waters plunge dramatically into the lush greenery below. Here, we pause to capture the beauty and power of nature, immortalizing this breathtaking spectacle through our lenses.

Not far up the road, we will camp for the night at one of the many locations along our route. I am really looking forward to some fresh spring air, a warm campfire, and the beauty and sounds of nature. May even roast a marshmallow for a well-deserved smore. Yum.  In the morning, we will make our way to explore the Multnomah Falls. I plan on documenting my journey with videos and blog posts. You will see the sunrise with me, walk the path to the falls, and see some amazing views. 

From Multnomah Falls, we will continue our westward trek toward Newport, Oregon, where the rugged coastline and amazing lighthouses awaits. As we arrive in Newport, we are greeted by the salty sea breeze and the sound of crashing waves, signaling the beginning of our exploration of the Oregon coast.

Driving along the scenic coastline, we will be treated to panoramic views of rocky cliffs, sandy beaches, and dramatic sea stacks rising from the ocean. Our cameras will be constantly clicking as we capture the ever-changing beauty of the coastal landscape, from fiery sunsets casting a golden glow over the horizon to misty mornings shrouded in ethereal fog.

But our journey doesn't end with the scenery – Newport itself offers a wealth of photographic opportunities, from its quaint harbor dotted with fishing boats to its historic lighthouses perched on rocky promontories. Each frame tells a story of the town's rich maritime history and enduring natural beauty, inviting us to explore and capture its essence through our lenses.

I invite you to come with me virtually and explore the beauty and tranquility nature provides. Look through my camera lens with me. On this journey, you will see and experience the beauty and avoid the bugs. 

Follow and Share this post with your friends and family.  Can’t wait to bring you along!

Photo Art by Laura – Landscape Photographer and Photo Artist. 

Professional Photographer

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Exploring Washington State's Beauty through Photo Art by Laura: Chapter 4 Fine Art Photography in Commercial Spaces

Chapter 4 Fine Art Photography in Commercial Spaces

Corporate Boardroom | Photo Art by Laura Commissioned Work Example

Author: Laura Dusek | Photo Art by Laura Photography


As you will recall last week we left off with Exploring the Essence of Nature: 

"Capturing the Essence of Nature: The Transformative Power of Professional Landscape Photography"

This article will dive a little deeper into how this transfers in the Commercial or Business workspace.  

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, where innovation and productivity are paramount, creating an environment that fosters creativity and well-being is crucial. Employers are increasingly recognizing the significance of workplace design in employee satisfaction and performance. In this context, the integration of fine art photography becomes a powerful tool, offering not just visual appeal but a unique connection to nature. In this blog post, we'll delve deeper into the transformative potential of customized fine art photography by Photo Art by Laura in commercial and business workspace environments. This topic alone can be broken down into 9 separate categories. Let's dive into the first five categories.

The Evolution of Workplace Aesthetics

As the concept of the modern workplace evolves, so does the understanding of its aesthetics. Gone are the days of sterile, uninspiring office spaces. Today, employers recognize the value of creating an environment that not only reflects their brand identity but also enhances the well-being of their employees. The integration of nature-inspired elements, such as fine art photography, is at the forefront of this evolution.

Nature's Impact on Well-Being and Productivity

Studies have consistently demonstrated the positive impact of nature on well-being and productivity. Nature-inspired design elements in the workplace have been linked to reduced stress, increased creativity, and improved overall job satisfaction. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about creating a holistic and harmonious environment that nurtures the mental and emotional well-being of employees.

The Role of Fine Art Photography in Commercial Spaces

Fine art photography, particularly the exquisite and relevant work of Photo Art by Laura, offers a unique avenue to bring the beauty of nature indoors. The Pacific Northwest is my Office. My portfolio captures the essence of Washington State's natural landscapes, from the serene coastlines to the majestic mountains. The inclusion of these stunning photographs in commercial spaces goes beyond mere decoration; it transforms the workplace into a haven of tranquility.

Customization for Commercial Success

One of the standout features of Photo Art by Laura is the options you have available for commissioned and customized landscape photography. This customization offers businesses the opportunity to tailor their workspace aesthetics to align with their brand identity and values. Imagine a corporate lobby adorned with a series of photographs showcasing the company's commitment to environmental sustainability or a boardroom featuring landscapes that resonate with the organization's vision.

Photo Art by Laura's Approach to Customization

Understanding the unique needs of businesses, I collaborates closely with my clients to create bespoke pieces that speak to the essence of their brand. Whether it's a series of photographs that tell the story of the company's journey or a single, impactful piece that encapsulates its core values, My expertise ensures that each customized and professional artwork is a seamless integration of nature and corporate identity. 

Next week we will explore how nature enhances the employee experience daily. The Impact on Client or Customer Impressions, Sustainability and Responsibility, The step-by-step guide to Commissioning Artwork for your business. 

Follow and Like Our Posts. If you know of a business that really needs what I have to offer, please share my information with them.  Thank you.  By the way - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Monday, November 13, 2023

Title: "Capturing the Essence of Nature: The Transformative Power of Professional Landscape Photography by Photo Art by Laura" Chapter 3

 Chapter 3: The Artistry of Photo Art by Laura Photography

Author: Laura  M. C. Dusek


Title: "Capturing the Essence of Nature: The Transformative Power of Professional Landscape Photography by Photo Art by Laura"


In the realm of professional landscape photography, Photo Art by Laura stands as a shining testament to the transformative power of fine art imagery. Through unwavering dedication, As a Professional photographer, I have mastered the art of capturing the essence of nature, skillfully transforming it into captivating pieces of art. In my portfolio is a visual journey through the lush forests, sparkling lakes, and majestic mountains of Washington State, with occasional forays into the enchanting landscapes of Vermont and Maine.

A Visual Odyssey Through Nature's Beauty:

Photo Art by Laura is more than a mere collection of photographs; it is a visual odyssey through the awe-inspiring beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Each image in my portfolio is a testament to my keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the natural world. The vibrant greens of the forests, the glistening reflections in tranquil lakes, and the towering peaks of the mountains are captured with a finesse that transcends traditional photography.

Personalizing Professional Spaces:

One distinctive feature that sets Photo Art by Laura apart, is my commitment to creating commissioned works for professional spaces. This bespoke service allows clients to infuse their workplaces with the unparalleled beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Whether adorning the walls of an office, a waiting room, or a corporate boardroom, Photo Art by Laura Photography has the power to breathe new life into any environment.

The Pacific Northwest in Your Workspace:

Bringing the outdoors indoors is not merely a design choice; it's a way of fostering a connection with nature within the confines of professional spaces. As a Professional Photographer, I offer my clients the opportunity to immerse themselves in the breathtaking landscapes of the Pacific Northwest without leaving their workplaces. The vibrant hues of a Washington forest or the serene reflections of a Maine lake can now be an integral part of the daily work environment, creating a sense of tranquility and inspiration.

Tailored Commissions for Every Client:

Photo Art by Laura's commitment to personalized service extends to the commissioning process. I work closely with clients to understand their vision and preferences, ensuring that each commissioned piece aligns seamlessly with the aesthetic and atmosphere of the designated space. This bespoke approach allows for a unique and tailored integration of nature's beauty into diverse professional environments.

Elevating Corporate Aesthetics:

In the corporate world, where first impressions and ambiance play crucial roles, the choice of artwork is a reflection of a company's values and identity. Photo Art by Laura recognizes this and offers corporate clients the opportunity to elevate their aesthetics through carefully curated landscape photography. The majestic landscapes of the Pacific Northwest serve as a powerful backdrop for corporate boardrooms and executive offices, fostering a sense of sophistication and connection to the natural world.

The Artistic Process Behind the Lens:

Behind each mesmerizing photograph lies a meticulous artistic process. My dedication to my craft involves not only capturing the perfect moment but also employing post-processing techniques that enhance the inherent beauty of the landscapes. From subtle adjustments in lighting to careful color grading, each photograph undergoes a transformative journey to become a true work of art. Each piece of art is from a Limited Edition Collection. 

Space Audits: Color, Texture Combined with Photo Art by Laura Fine Art

"Embarking on a visual journey through 'Space Audits: At Photo Art by Laura we offer a service to invoke Color, & Texture, Combined with Photo Art by Laura Fine Art,' unveiling a unique exploration of the interplay between color, texture, and the transformative power of fine art photography. In this captivating fusion, Photo Art by Laura brings a fresh perspective to space audits, introducing a dynamic combination of vibrant hues and intricate textures that redefine the visual landscape. The meticulous curation of these elements not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of professional spaces but also serves as a testament to Photo Art by Laura's dedication to creating a space that is created for the customer that incorporates the fine art experiences. Through this artistic endeavor and attention to every detail of the corporate workspace, each space becomes in essence, a canvas, your (wall real estate) is purposely enhanced with the enchanting landscapes of the Pacific Northwest, reflecting both the natural beauty of the region and the skillful artistry of Photo Art by Laura."

The Impact of Nature on Well-being:

The incorporation of professional landscape photography into professional spaces goes beyond aesthetics; it has a profound impact on the well-being of individuals in those environments. Research has shown that exposure to nature, even in visual form, can reduce stress, improve concentration, and enhance overall mood. By bringing the tranquility of nature into workplaces, Photo Art by Laura contributes to a positive and inspiring atmosphere conducive to productivity and creativity.


In the realm of professional landscape photography, Photo Art by Laura emerges as a beacon of creativity and transformation. Through a keen artistic eye and a deep connection to the natural world, my work goes beyond traditional photography, capturing the very essence of nature. With a commitment to personalized commissions, Photo Art by Laura brings the beauty of the Pacific Northwest into professional spaces, elevating aesthetics, fostering well-being, and creating a lasting connection between individuals and the awe-inspiring landscapes surrounding them.

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Chapter 4: Will be Available Next Week. 

Fine Art Photography in Commercial Spaces


In the modern workplace, creating a harmonious and inspiring environment is essential for productivity and well-being. Nature's aesthetics have proven to be an effective tool in achieving this balance. Incorporating fine art photography, like my work, into professional spaces can bring the beauty of nature indoors.

Fine art photography not only enhances the visual appeal of a workspace but also fosters a sense of calm and connection to the natural world. My stunning photographs can turn ordinary office walls into windows to the outdoors, inviting employees and visitors to escape the daily grind and embrace the tranquility of Washington State's nature.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

From Hobby to Profession: My Journey as a Photographer


Author| Laura Dusek

Let me take you on a journey, my journey, from the days when photography was merely a hobby to becoming a professional photographer and a local artist in Spokane, Washington. Today, I'm the proud owner of "Photo Art by Laura Photography," a name that represents my dedication to capturing the beauty of families and landscapes in the Pacific Northwest.

My love for photography started as a simple hobby a little over 15 years ago, it was a natural creative outlet that allowed me to see the world through a different lens. I'd always had an eye for beauty and a deep appreciation for the subtle moments that make life extraordinary. It didn't take long for me to realize that photography was more than a pastime; it was a calling, a passion that I couldn't ignore.

But, like most budding photographers, I had my share of doubts and hesitations. Could I really turn my passion into a full-fledged career? Yet, my determination and unwavering belief in my abilities kept pushing me forward. I enrolled in workshops, attended photography seminars, and invested in the best equipment I could afford. I knew that to succeed, I had to keep learning and growing, and that's precisely what I did. I will tell you that learning never stops. There is always something new to learn and grow as a photographer.

What sets my work apart is my commitment to capturing real and imaginary, heartfelt moments. The best photographs are those that tell a story, evoke emotions, and preserve memories. My family portraits are not just posed snapshots; they're windows into the love, joy, and connection within each family. The smiles, the laughter, and even the occasional tear, all contribute to the beautiful stories that I weave through my lens.

I have a profound love for Spokane and the natural beauty of the Inland Northwest. It's reflected in my landscape photography, which goes beyond mere imagery. My photographs of landscapes are a glimpse into the heart of the Pacific Northwest and beyond, exploring the changing seasons, the majesty of the surrounding mountains, and the serenity of the lakes. I aim to capture the very essence of the region, and it's a theme that resonates with both locals and visitors alike.

As a local artist, I aspire for my work to invoke a significant impact on the community.

I have always been committed to making a positive impact with my photography, and that
commitment extends to partnering with charity events to support a variety of worthy causes. I find immense satisfaction in using my artistic talents for a purpose that goes far beyond creating aesthetically pleasing images. My passion lies in leveraging my work to make a meaningful difference. It’s an endeavor that fills me with a deep sense of fulfillment, as my photographs find a new purpose in contributing to these noble efforts.

Additionally, I've been fortunate to see my work displayed on the walls of local businesses, where it brings not only elegance but also inspiration to the environment. This presence within the community is a source of immense pride for me. Looking ahead, I am enthusiastic about further showcasing my work and reaching an even broader audience, as I aspire to continue making a positive impact through the beauty and emotional depth of my art.

My story is a reminder that pursuing your passion and believing in your abilities can lead to success and fulfillment. My photographs don't just capture moments; they touch the hearts of those who view them. Through my camera lens, I've painted a vivid picture of not only Spokane and the Pacific Northwest but also places that are as near as your backyard. Reminding us of the incredible beauty that surrounds us.

Today, my journey continues, and I'm constantly evolving as an artist. I remain open to new techniques and challenges, ensuring that my work stays fresh and innovative. My story is ongoing, and I hope that it serves as an inspiration to anyone with a passion, urging them to turn their dreams into a beautiful reality.

In Spokane, Washington, I love being a local photographer and artist, and hopefully leaving an indelible mark on the local community. "Photo Art by Laura Photography" contact me to see what’s possible.

Find Me at:  or

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Embracing Nature with Fine Art Photography: My Journey through Washington State's Natural Beauty

Title: Embracing Nature with Fine Art Photography: My Journey through Washington State's Natural Beauty

Author: Laura Dusek, Landscape Photographer  |  Professional Photo Artist


In a world filled with hustle and bustle, sometimes, all we need is a moment of serenity and connection with the beauty of the natural world. Nature's wonders have a unique ability to soothe our souls and rejuvenate our spirits. One way to experience this tranquility is through the captivating lens of fine art photography. Join me on a journey to explore the splendors of Washington State's nature through my lens and discover how my work can bring the breathtaking outdoors into your professional space.

Experience the beauty of nature through exquisite fine art photography and see how I can create commissioned work for your professional space.

Chapter 1: The Magic of Fine Art Photography

Fine art photography is a distinctive form of visual art that aims to capture the essence of nature's beauty and emotions through the camera lens. It goes beyond mere documentation, transcending into the realm of artistry. I have devoted myself to this craft, transforming Washington State's natural landscapes into breathtaking pieces of visual poetry.

As we delve into the captivating world of fine art photography, we'll explore the art of storytelling through visuals. With the simple click of my camera, I capture the heart and soul of Washington State's pristine landscapes, sharing my passion for the environment in every frame.

Chapter 2: The Charms of Washington State Nature

Nestled in the Pacific Northwest, Washington State is a land of astonishing natural beauty. It boasts a diverse range of environments, from the rugged coastline of the Pacific Ocean to the majestic peaks of the Cascade Range. In every corner of this state, nature's wonders unfold in a tapestry of colors, shapes, and forms.

The Olympic National Park, with its lush rainforests and dramatic coastline, offers a symphony of textures and colors for fine art photography. My lens captures the dance of sunlight through the moss-covered trees and the eternal interplay of ocean waves and rugged cliffs, creating visual poetry that resonates with the soul.

Chapter 3: My Passion for Fine Art Photography

My work is not just photography; it's an expression of my deep connection with the environment. My portfolio is a testament to my passion for nature and my commitment to preserving its beauty.
My devotion to this craft has made me one of Washington State's premier landscape photographers. My images transport viewers to a world of pristine wilderness and tranquility, offering a window into the serenity that can be found in the heart of nature.

Photo Art by Laura - Landscape

Chapter 4: Fine Art Photography in Commercial Spaces

In the modern workplace, creating a harmonious and inspiring environment is essential for productivity and well-being. Nature's aesthetics have proven to be an effective tool in achieving this balance. Incorporating fine art photography, like my work, into professional spaces can bring the beauty of nature indoors.

Fine art photography not only enhances the visual appeal of a workspace but also fosters a sense of calm and connection to the natural world. My stunning photographs can turn ordinary office walls into windows to the outdoors, inviting employees and visitors to escape the daily grind and embrace the tranquility of Washington State's nature and her landscapes.

Photo Art by Laura Landscapes
Office Area Sample | Photo Art by Laura Photography

Chapter 5: The Power of Customized Fine Art

While my existing portfolio is a treasure trove of natural wonders, I also offer the option of customized commissioned work. This opens up an exciting opportunity for businesses to bring their unique vision of nature into their professional space.

Imagine a boardroom adorned with a photograph of the very forest where your company's values align with the essence of nature. Or perhaps a reception area that greets visitors with an image of a local landmark, reinforcing your connection to the community. My expertise in capturing Washington State's beauty allows me to craft custom pieces that resonate with your brand and message.

Chapter 6: Capturing the Essence of Washington State

Washington State's natural beauty is a diverse canvas for fine art photography. From the charming fields of wildflowers in Skagit Valley to the otherworldly landscapes of Mount Rainier, there's something for everyone to admire and connect with.

My lens navigates this diversity with grace and precision. My photographs capture the spirit of the Evergreen State, showing its residents and visitors that nature is not just a part of Washington's identity, but also a profound source of inspiration and solace.

Chapter 7: The Impact of Nature in Art

The union of nature and art is a powerful force that transcends beyond aesthetics. Studies have shown that the presence of natural elements in artwork within a professional setting can improve productivity, reduce stress, and enhance creativity. When individuals are surrounded by the serenity of nature, their overall well-being improves.

By embracing nature through fine art photography, businesses can cultivate an atmosphere that fosters positivity and calm. My work embodies this connection, ensuring that your professional space becomes a sanctuary that promotes the well-being of employees and visitors alike.

Chapter 8: Bringing Nature Indoors

Incorporating fine art photography into your professional space is a subtle yet impactful way to bring the beauty of nature indoors. My creations capture the essence of Washington State's nature, allowing you to immerse your workspace in the tranquility of the great outdoors.

A single photograph can transport you to the depths of the Hoh Rainforest or the serenity of Lake Crescent. Imagine the benefits of having these breathtaking scenes displayed within your workspace. The natural aesthetics provide a sense of connection and serenity, contributing to a harmonious work environment.

Photo Art by Laura Photography
Hospital Reception Area | Artwork Photo Art by Laura Photography

Chapter 9: Customized Commissions with My Work

My passion and expertise extend beyond my portfolio. I offer a unique opportunity for businesses to commission customized works that speak to their values and aesthetics.

Whether it's a series of photographs showcasing the different seasons in Washington State or a bespoke piece that captures the essence of your brand, my keen eye and artistic skill can bring your vision to life. A commissioned work of art not only enhances the aesthetics of your workspace but also serves as a powerful representation of your company's identity and connection to nature. Notice in the above image how the clouds echo the floor in hue? 

Chapter 10: A Sustainable Partnership

My commitment to sustainable practices is evident in my work, as I capture the delicate balance of the environment and its fragility. When you invest in my art, you're not only adorning your professional space with natural beauty, but you're also supporting a sustainable approach to fine art photography. It's a win-win situation that fosters a sense of responsibility towards nature and its preservation.


In a world where the chaos of daily life can overwhelm, the power of nature is a balm for the soul. Embracing the beauty of Washington State's nature through fine art photography is a transcendent experience. My work is a testament to my passion for nature and my dedication to preserving its beauty while bringing it into your professional space. 

I invite you to visit my website at  Every piece is a Limited Edition at 40 pieces. So we are always bringing in new pieces. We print on a wide variety of materials. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Demystifying- Corporate and Business Photography: What Goes On Behind the Scenes of a Professional Shoot?


Title: Demystifying Corporate and Business Photography: Behind the Scenes of a Professional Shoot

Author: Laura Dusek - Photo Art by Laura Photography


In the digital age, a picture is

worth more than a thousand words; it's worth countless impressions, clicks, and shares. This is especially true in the corporate world, where image and branding are critical. Whether it's for marketing materials, websites, annual reports, or social media profiles, businesses invest significantly in professional photography to convey their message effectively. However, what actually goes into a corporate or business photography shoot is often underestimated. In this article, I would like to take you behind the scenes of a professional shoot, revealing the careful planning, the creative process, and technical expertise that make corporate and business photography stand out. 

1. Pre-Production Phase

a. Concept and Briefing A successful corporate photoshoot starts with a clear concept. Businesses need to decide what they want to convey through their images, whether it's professionalism, innovation, or a specific product or service. This involves a thorough briefing, often including the company's branding guidelines and style preferences. As a Professional Photographer, my job is to work closely with the client during the concept and briefing stage to understand their vision and goals. I need to ask the right questions to get a clear picture of what they want to convey through the images. This involves discussing the message they want to communicate, the target audience, and the intended use of the photographs. I also need to consider the company's branding guidelines and style preferences to ensure that the images align with their overall visual identity.

Once I have a comprehensive understanding of the client's needs, I can start developing the concept for the photoshoot. This might involve brainstorming creative ideas, planning the visual elements, and determining the best approach to capture the desired message. It's essential to create a concept that not only meets the client's objectives but also has a unique and engaging quality to make the images stand out.

During the briefing process, I'll also communicate the logistics of the photo shoot, such as the location, scheduling, and any specific requirements, like props or talent. Clear and open communication is key to ensure that the client's expectations are met and that the photoshoot runs smoothly.

In summary, my role as a professional photographer in the concept and briefing phase is to collaborate closely with the client, understand their objectives, and develop a creative concept that aligns with their brand and messaging. This stage is crucial in setting the direction for a successful corporate photoshoot.

b. Location Scouting Selecting the right location is crucial. The setting should align with the desired message. It could be a well-lit office space, a manufacturing facility, a pristine studio, or even an outdoor location. My role as a Photographer is to ensure my client's goals are met, which means I  may need to visit the location beforehand to assess its suitability and lighting conditions. 

c. Talent and Wardrobe If the shoot involves models or employees, talent selection is essential. Wardrobe choices should be in line with the concept and branding guidelines. This includes clothing, accessories, and props, which must be prepared and organized well in advance. This process can take time to organize and acquire.

d. Equipment and Technical Setup As the photographer, along with a team, we prepare all our equipment. This includes cameras, lenses, lighting equipment, and any other specialized gear required for the shoot. Technical considerations such as exposure settings, white balance, and shooting format are all critical for a successful shoot. 

e. Permits and Legal Considerations Depending on the location and nature of the shoot, permits, and legal documentation may be required. This often includes model releases, property releases, and permissions from relevant authorities. 

One key aspect of legal considerations is obtaining model releases. These documents are essential when the photoshoot involves individuals, whether they are professional models or employees of the client company. Model releases grant permission to use the likeness and image of the individuals in the photographs, ensuring that their rights are respected. This step is critical to prevent legal complications that might arise if the images are used for marketing or promotional purposes.

Additionally, property releases are necessary when the photoshoot occurs on private property or in locations where ownership rights are in question. 
Property releases grant permission to use the property's image in the photographs, safeguarding against potential legal issues concerning the use of private or commercial spaces in the images.

Moreover, depending on the shoot's location, certain permissions from relevant authorities may be required. For example, if the photo shoot takes place in a public space, obtaining permits from local municipalities may be necessary to ensure that the shoot does not disrupt public activities and complies with local regulations.

The responsibility for acquiring these permits and legal documentation typically falls on the photographer and the client, with legal counsel or experts in contract law often involved to ensure that the documents are comprehensive and legally binding. Clearing these legal hurdles not only prevents potential legal issues but also demonstrates respect for individuals' rights and private property, contributing to the overall professionalism and ethical standards of the corporate photography industry. 

In summary, navigating permits and legal considerations is a crucial part of corporate photography, and it underscores the importance of conducting photoshoots within the bounds of the law and ethical practices.

Next time we will continue with more about what really goes on behind the scenes. 
The Creative Process

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Laura Dusek | Professional Photographer | Spokane Valley WA.