Showing posts with label Corporate Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corporate Photography. Show all posts

Sunday, November 5, 2023

From Hobby to Profession: My Journey as a Photographer


Author| Laura Dusek

Let me take you on a journey, my journey, from the days when photography was merely a hobby to becoming a professional photographer and a local artist in Spokane, Washington. Today, I'm the proud owner of "Photo Art by Laura Photography," a name that represents my dedication to capturing the beauty of families and landscapes in the Pacific Northwest.

My love for photography started as a simple hobby a little over 15 years ago, it was a natural creative outlet that allowed me to see the world through a different lens. I'd always had an eye for beauty and a deep appreciation for the subtle moments that make life extraordinary. It didn't take long for me to realize that photography was more than a pastime; it was a calling, a passion that I couldn't ignore.

But, like most budding photographers, I had my share of doubts and hesitations. Could I really turn my passion into a full-fledged career? Yet, my determination and unwavering belief in my abilities kept pushing me forward. I enrolled in workshops, attended photography seminars, and invested in the best equipment I could afford. I knew that to succeed, I had to keep learning and growing, and that's precisely what I did. I will tell you that learning never stops. There is always something new to learn and grow as a photographer.

What sets my work apart is my commitment to capturing real and imaginary, heartfelt moments. The best photographs are those that tell a story, evoke emotions, and preserve memories. My family portraits are not just posed snapshots; they're windows into the love, joy, and connection within each family. The smiles, the laughter, and even the occasional tear, all contribute to the beautiful stories that I weave through my lens.

I have a profound love for Spokane and the natural beauty of the Inland Northwest. It's reflected in my landscape photography, which goes beyond mere imagery. My photographs of landscapes are a glimpse into the heart of the Pacific Northwest and beyond, exploring the changing seasons, the majesty of the surrounding mountains, and the serenity of the lakes. I aim to capture the very essence of the region, and it's a theme that resonates with both locals and visitors alike.

As a local artist, I aspire for my work to invoke a significant impact on the community.

I have always been committed to making a positive impact with my photography, and that
commitment extends to partnering with charity events to support a variety of worthy causes. I find immense satisfaction in using my artistic talents for a purpose that goes far beyond creating aesthetically pleasing images. My passion lies in leveraging my work to make a meaningful difference. It’s an endeavor that fills me with a deep sense of fulfillment, as my photographs find a new purpose in contributing to these noble efforts.

Additionally, I've been fortunate to see my work displayed on the walls of local businesses, where it brings not only elegance but also inspiration to the environment. This presence within the community is a source of immense pride for me. Looking ahead, I am enthusiastic about further showcasing my work and reaching an even broader audience, as I aspire to continue making a positive impact through the beauty and emotional depth of my art.

My story is a reminder that pursuing your passion and believing in your abilities can lead to success and fulfillment. My photographs don't just capture moments; they touch the hearts of those who view them. Through my camera lens, I've painted a vivid picture of not only Spokane and the Pacific Northwest but also places that are as near as your backyard. Reminding us of the incredible beauty that surrounds us.

Today, my journey continues, and I'm constantly evolving as an artist. I remain open to new techniques and challenges, ensuring that my work stays fresh and innovative. My story is ongoing, and I hope that it serves as an inspiration to anyone with a passion, urging them to turn their dreams into a beautiful reality.

In Spokane, Washington, I love being a local photographer and artist, and hopefully leaving an indelible mark on the local community. "Photo Art by Laura Photography" contact me to see what’s possible.

Find Me at:  or

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Demystifying- Corporate and Business Photography: What Goes On Behind the Scenes of a Professional Shoot?


Title: Demystifying Corporate and Business Photography: Behind the Scenes of a Professional Shoot

Author: Laura Dusek - Photo Art by Laura Photography


In the digital age, a picture is

worth more than a thousand words; it's worth countless impressions, clicks, and shares. This is especially true in the corporate world, where image and branding are critical. Whether it's for marketing materials, websites, annual reports, or social media profiles, businesses invest significantly in professional photography to convey their message effectively. However, what actually goes into a corporate or business photography shoot is often underestimated. In this article, I would like to take you behind the scenes of a professional shoot, revealing the careful planning, the creative process, and technical expertise that make corporate and business photography stand out. 

1. Pre-Production Phase

a. Concept and Briefing A successful corporate photoshoot starts with a clear concept. Businesses need to decide what they want to convey through their images, whether it's professionalism, innovation, or a specific product or service. This involves a thorough briefing, often including the company's branding guidelines and style preferences. As a Professional Photographer, my job is to work closely with the client during the concept and briefing stage to understand their vision and goals. I need to ask the right questions to get a clear picture of what they want to convey through the images. This involves discussing the message they want to communicate, the target audience, and the intended use of the photographs. I also need to consider the company's branding guidelines and style preferences to ensure that the images align with their overall visual identity.

Once I have a comprehensive understanding of the client's needs, I can start developing the concept for the photoshoot. This might involve brainstorming creative ideas, planning the visual elements, and determining the best approach to capture the desired message. It's essential to create a concept that not only meets the client's objectives but also has a unique and engaging quality to make the images stand out.

During the briefing process, I'll also communicate the logistics of the photo shoot, such as the location, scheduling, and any specific requirements, like props or talent. Clear and open communication is key to ensure that the client's expectations are met and that the photoshoot runs smoothly.

In summary, my role as a professional photographer in the concept and briefing phase is to collaborate closely with the client, understand their objectives, and develop a creative concept that aligns with their brand and messaging. This stage is crucial in setting the direction for a successful corporate photoshoot.

b. Location Scouting Selecting the right location is crucial. The setting should align with the desired message. It could be a well-lit office space, a manufacturing facility, a pristine studio, or even an outdoor location. My role as a Photographer is to ensure my client's goals are met, which means I  may need to visit the location beforehand to assess its suitability and lighting conditions. 

c. Talent and Wardrobe If the shoot involves models or employees, talent selection is essential. Wardrobe choices should be in line with the concept and branding guidelines. This includes clothing, accessories, and props, which must be prepared and organized well in advance. This process can take time to organize and acquire.

d. Equipment and Technical Setup As the photographer, along with a team, we prepare all our equipment. This includes cameras, lenses, lighting equipment, and any other specialized gear required for the shoot. Technical considerations such as exposure settings, white balance, and shooting format are all critical for a successful shoot. 

e. Permits and Legal Considerations Depending on the location and nature of the shoot, permits, and legal documentation may be required. This often includes model releases, property releases, and permissions from relevant authorities. 

One key aspect of legal considerations is obtaining model releases. These documents are essential when the photoshoot involves individuals, whether they are professional models or employees of the client company. Model releases grant permission to use the likeness and image of the individuals in the photographs, ensuring that their rights are respected. This step is critical to prevent legal complications that might arise if the images are used for marketing or promotional purposes.

Additionally, property releases are necessary when the photoshoot occurs on private property or in locations where ownership rights are in question. 
Property releases grant permission to use the property's image in the photographs, safeguarding against potential legal issues concerning the use of private or commercial spaces in the images.

Moreover, depending on the shoot's location, certain permissions from relevant authorities may be required. For example, if the photo shoot takes place in a public space, obtaining permits from local municipalities may be necessary to ensure that the shoot does not disrupt public activities and complies with local regulations.

The responsibility for acquiring these permits and legal documentation typically falls on the photographer and the client, with legal counsel or experts in contract law often involved to ensure that the documents are comprehensive and legally binding. Clearing these legal hurdles not only prevents potential legal issues but also demonstrates respect for individuals' rights and private property, contributing to the overall professionalism and ethical standards of the corporate photography industry. 

In summary, navigating permits and legal considerations is a crucial part of corporate photography, and it underscores the importance of conducting photoshoots within the bounds of the law and ethical practices.

Next time we will continue with more about what really goes on behind the scenes. 
The Creative Process

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Laura Dusek | Professional Photographer | Spokane Valley WA.