Thursday, March 21, 2024

We are Officially a YouTube Page!

 Yep... Officially a YouTube Page is LIVE!

On the Road with LAURA

I took the plunge, or rather got a ton more motivated!  About two years ago I posted two slideshow videos of some of my work and then after that, I just forgot about it. If you don't do something often enough and make it a habit, it gets lost and that is exactly what happened. 

So on the First day of Spring I took off the procrastination hat and got out my GoPro to practice - went out into the yard, thankful that the ground was not soaked, and basked in the sunlight, oh my gosh I missed it. The sun I mean.  I spent the better part of, oh 5 minutes videotaping the fresh blooms of Crocus flowers as they have sprouted through my underbrush.  

You can find the link here or go to the section on the right of this blog where it says - How to Find Me.  

I have been doing a ton of research on how to make it better. Intro and Exit video. My message and just how to generally get the word out about my photography.  

My plan is still fluid at the moment, but I do plan on using my GoPro to keep a journal of what I do when I am out and about, showing my camping set-up and all the ups and downs that go with that portion of the adventure.  Posting videos on my actual work and documenting my thought process.  

When I say, that I got a ton more motivated - it is to say I want to document my passion and show people what I do and why it drives me.  I know I am no spring chicken and my body moves a ton more slowly than someone of a younger energy level than myself. I was actually watching a video that Thomas Heaton recently did on getting out there and it inspired me.  Here is his link

I can really relate to his dream... 

I am in my Legacy years and yet my brain and heart says, "Yes I can"... get out of your own darn way and get to it.  Quit getting lost in detours.  So that is what I have done, I have a course, a direction, and I am staying focused (no pun intended) and my goal will be to follow my dream and get out there and so my JOB.  If this just turns out to simply allow me to find my happy place and bask in the beauty of this wonder we call home and not make a cent, well I need to be okay with that.  But yes, I do want to make a living at what I love to do.  It takes money to get out there and let's be honest, Gasoline is expensive.  

I want to inspire others, especially women.  I want to inspire my Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren.  Yep, you read correctly, I am a Great Grandmother.  I want to inspire them and leave a Legacy for them to be proud of.  "My Grandmother is Laura Dusek - Photo Art by Laura Photography.  The Landscape photographer, have you heard of her?" 

There are Not many women Landscape Photographers out there, but I have a desire, to be someone who is known.  If you would like to help me with that - do me a favor and Subscribe to my Videos and this Blog.  Check out my artwork on my business webpage. It would mean the World to me if you would support my Dream.  Thank you.

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