Showing posts with label News & Updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News & Updates. Show all posts

Thursday, March 21, 2024

We are Officially a YouTube Page!

 Yep... Officially a YouTube Page is LIVE!

On the Road with LAURA

I took the plunge, or rather got a ton more motivated!  About two years ago I posted two slideshow videos of some of my work and then after that, I just forgot about it. If you don't do something often enough and make it a habit, it gets lost and that is exactly what happened. 

So on the First day of Spring I took off the procrastination hat and got out my GoPro to practice - went out into the yard, thankful that the ground was not soaked, and basked in the sunlight, oh my gosh I missed it. The sun I mean.  I spent the better part of, oh 5 minutes videotaping the fresh blooms of Crocus flowers as they have sprouted through my underbrush.  

You can find the link here or go to the section on the right of this blog where it says - How to Find Me.  

I have been doing a ton of research on how to make it better. Intro and Exit video. My message and just how to generally get the word out about my photography.  

My plan is still fluid at the moment, but I do plan on using my GoPro to keep a journal of what I do when I am out and about, showing my camping set-up and all the ups and downs that go with that portion of the adventure.  Posting videos on my actual work and documenting my thought process.  

When I say, that I got a ton more motivated - it is to say I want to document my passion and show people what I do and why it drives me.  I know I am no spring chicken and my body moves a ton more slowly than someone of a younger energy level than myself. I was actually watching a video that Thomas Heaton recently did on getting out there and it inspired me.  Here is his link

I can really relate to his dream... 

I am in my Legacy years and yet my brain and heart says, "Yes I can"... get out of your own darn way and get to it.  Quit getting lost in detours.  So that is what I have done, I have a course, a direction, and I am staying focused (no pun intended) and my goal will be to follow my dream and get out there and so my JOB.  If this just turns out to simply allow me to find my happy place and bask in the beauty of this wonder we call home and not make a cent, well I need to be okay with that.  But yes, I do want to make a living at what I love to do.  It takes money to get out there and let's be honest, Gasoline is expensive.  

I want to inspire others, especially women.  I want to inspire my Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren.  Yep, you read correctly, I am a Great Grandmother.  I want to inspire them and leave a Legacy for them to be proud of.  "My Grandmother is Laura Dusek - Photo Art by Laura Photography.  The Landscape photographer, have you heard of her?" 

There are Not many women Landscape Photographers out there, but I have a desire, to be someone who is known.  If you would like to help me with that - do me a favor and Subscribe to my Videos and this Blog.  Check out my artwork on my business webpage. It would mean the World to me if you would support my Dream.  Thank you.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

News and Updates Feb 2022

 News & Updates

Hello Friends.

I thought I would catch you up on some news since I have not written in a while, sorry for that, however, I honestly have not had a lot of downtime lately.  Finally through the holidays meaning Thanksgiving and Christmas... 

So let's bring you up to speed.  I joined a BNI (Business International Networking) Spokane Referral Exchange -group located in my beautiful town of Spokane Valley.  This was such a wonderful decision.  I get the opportunity to meet and network with some amazing professionals and we have such a wonderful time uplifting one another and helping each of us grow as professional business owners.  So that keeps me busy.  

This past winter I had this brilliant brainstorm to retrofit our GMC Suburban into a home away from home photo mobile.  So my husband and I have been researching exactly what it takes for me to be comfortable, safe, and productive in the " Photo Mobile  " called Deliah.  We are planning to have me out on the road by April of this year hopefully if everything goes smoothly.  

So far we have purchased a solar system Opeus which we have already used once. So far I am impressed. I love that it has so many options. Count em (3) outlets. This stinking thing can run a blender if I wanted. I am thinking of getting a magic bullet to make smoothies in the morning, however, my priority is  COFFEE. The Opeus can handle it.  An issue that I have gotten an education about is what you can plug in and how long will it last. How many volts is the item you are plugging into the generator? It matters. 

The second and really important item is a bed for me to sleep on.  I wanted something with a great deal of cushion for support and comfort. We found a tri-fold by Millard.  I wanted something I could fold up and get out of the way so I can sit on a bench support and work on post-processing during the day. We have all the lumber that is required for the build and I am so excited to get started and get out there and get some amazing landscape photographs.   As soon as we get started I will begin posting videos of our progress on my YouTube page.  I tell you what I have so many pins on my camping board on Pinterest.  I didn't realize when I had this brainstorm that this is a "Thing".  Many are out living 24/7 in a vehicle, Van, Truck, and have been doing really well at it.  
Our top requirements: 
  • Safety
  • Comfortable Bed
  • Power
  • Internet
  • Food Storage & Cooking 
  • Water (Drinking, Shower, Cooking)
  • Did I say Comfort?  Yes my bones are demanding (Laughing)
  • Bathroom 
  • A place for me to work and store my equipment

Added to my news is that I bought a DRONE this past fall.  Now both my husband and I have enrolled in an online school to learn how to fly the darn thing.  I have to admit, after ordering the four books that we need to participate in the course and pass a test that we have to pay $150.00 to take the exam and receive what's called a Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate; I am a bit nervous. It is a ton of information and tests are not something I excel at. But  I am determined to do it.  I watched someone fly a drone, a fellow photographer when we were photographing the East Coast this past fall.  It was so wonderful to see how beautiful Acadia was from the birds-eye point of view. 

Speaking of education I am working on checking off one of my serious goals.  I am working on receiving a Master Photographer Certificate.  The course should if I stay on track take me six months to finish. 

Hope you forgive me now for not having written in a few minutes. 

Product Update:  My 2022 Calendar will be taken off of the shelf on March first.  So if you want one, go to my website and get yours while supplies last.  

I will try to do better at posting more.  

Hugs and Love to All
