Saturday, October 1, 2022

Spring Cleaning


 So some of us believe in Spring Cleaning and as far as household chores that is still very true. Did you know that is actually true two times a year, once in the Spring and also in the Fall at least that is what we do in our house?  As for business sometimes a makeover is as simple as changing or giving your business branding a facelift. So we did a bit of Fall Cleaning. 

We at Photo Art by Laura Photography serve two niches - Landscape photography images that are beautiful in any home or business.  Also, we specialize in Portraiture (People) Family, Children, and HS Senior Portraits & Weddings.  Getting the logo right has been a serious journey but we are hopeful that we have finally nailed it.  Our contact information is still the same.  You can find us on a variety of social platforms.  And Yep.. we just started a TikTok. Come follow us. 

New Business Cards

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Just about two weeks ago my Husband and I set out on a road trip to give the newly converted GMC 1998 Suburban a run for its money.  We made the decision to travel to Montana since I had never been and we were due for some well-deserved time.  What better way to be close than to pack up a 6 ft rig and what we would need for 6 days and a dog.  We planned to drive just about halfway and spend the night in a simple and safe place to sleep. We called ahead to make reservations at Bernie and Sharon’s Riverfront RV Park. We arrived just about10:30 or so found our slot and went to sleep. This is the view we woke up to. What a fantastic beginning to our trip. So Sharon and Steve got to talking and he paused to indicate to me that he saw a horse through the trees - I grabbed my camera and promptly went beyond the trees to investigate...

As I go around the corner in the far-off distance are 4 beautiful horses grazing in the field. Picturesque as it can get, early morning dew, Montana sunrise morning and it’s just myself and them. I walk up to the fence just to enjoy the moment and to my surprise, all four of the horses start making their way over to me. Awe that’s nice, but wait, they practically huddled around me to get and give love.  It was the most beautiful moment, something I had only wished someone was in the background capturing on video, but nonetheless, it was truly amazing.  After our brief but special moment, I returned to where my husband was still speaking to the establishment proprietor, and my husband just says, “ You had FUN, didn’t you?” I suspect that I was glowing.  Here are a few of the images that I shot that morning. 

These beautiful animals were so affectionate and responsive to me in a way I have never experienced before.  You see in this last photo that this darn horse pushed down the wire with its neck just to try and get to me.  It was really hard to walk away.  

I will be posting a few of the images I shot in my Art Gallery that will be for sale.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Make your house a H O M E

 Make your house a H O M E

One of my biggest rules when moving in or moving out of a home is a rule for the pictures or images that are hung in my home.

I think that I lost count of the number of times I have packed and unpacked boxes for moving quite literally across the street, across town, to a new town or a new state.  At one time I had an accurate count of 18 times before the age of 30.  Almost twice that age I have realized there is a true science to the process of moving when it comes to mindset.  

Let's face it, there are a few things that you just do as the Last thing or the First thing and that is hang your pictures or take them down, whichever the case may be.  

So let me explain.  When I am getting in the zone to move and tear down what I have worked at creating a homey space, a space that I just love to see as more than a home, but a place of safety and familiarity. Pictures are the final touch and also the first to come down.  The image has a place that it belongs to bring everything together and gives that vibe you are looking for.  So the art in the room is the final piece that goes up.  See...?

For Photography my landscapes are more than just something I take a photo of, in my head, I try to see what room they would look best in. I look at the colors of the moment also.  What frame would be the best to showcase this image, or would it look better as a metal?  Does my client or customer live in a beach house or a penthouse?  What room, living room, bedroom, Man Cave, or Powder room? 

At Photo Art by Laura, we offer a space audit service to come to your location and assist you in selecting the right piece of art for the room that needs a finishing touch to make it inviting.  Let Photo Art by Laura Landscapes and Photography help you make your house... a HOME. 

Saturday, February 19, 2022

News and Updates Feb 2022

 News & Updates

Hello Friends.

I thought I would catch you up on some news since I have not written in a while, sorry for that, however, I honestly have not had a lot of downtime lately.  Finally through the holidays meaning Thanksgiving and Christmas... 

So let's bring you up to speed.  I joined a BNI (Business International Networking) Spokane Referral Exchange -group located in my beautiful town of Spokane Valley.  This was such a wonderful decision.  I get the opportunity to meet and network with some amazing professionals and we have such a wonderful time uplifting one another and helping each of us grow as professional business owners.  So that keeps me busy.  

This past winter I had this brilliant brainstorm to retrofit our GMC Suburban into a home away from home photo mobile.  So my husband and I have been researching exactly what it takes for me to be comfortable, safe, and productive in the " Photo Mobile  " called Deliah.  We are planning to have me out on the road by April of this year hopefully if everything goes smoothly.  

So far we have purchased a solar system Opeus which we have already used once. So far I am impressed. I love that it has so many options. Count em (3) outlets. This stinking thing can run a blender if I wanted. I am thinking of getting a magic bullet to make smoothies in the morning, however, my priority is  COFFEE. The Opeus can handle it.  An issue that I have gotten an education about is what you can plug in and how long will it last. How many volts is the item you are plugging into the generator? It matters. 

The second and really important item is a bed for me to sleep on.  I wanted something with a great deal of cushion for support and comfort. We found a tri-fold by Millard.  I wanted something I could fold up and get out of the way so I can sit on a bench support and work on post-processing during the day. We have all the lumber that is required for the build and I am so excited to get started and get out there and get some amazing landscape photographs.   As soon as we get started I will begin posting videos of our progress on my YouTube page.  I tell you what I have so many pins on my camping board on Pinterest.  I didn't realize when I had this brainstorm that this is a "Thing".  Many are out living 24/7 in a vehicle, Van, Truck, and have been doing really well at it.  
Our top requirements: 
  • Safety
  • Comfortable Bed
  • Power
  • Internet
  • Food Storage & Cooking 
  • Water (Drinking, Shower, Cooking)
  • Did I say Comfort?  Yes my bones are demanding (Laughing)
  • Bathroom 
  • A place for me to work and store my equipment

Added to my news is that I bought a DRONE this past fall.  Now both my husband and I have enrolled in an online school to learn how to fly the darn thing.  I have to admit, after ordering the four books that we need to participate in the course and pass a test that we have to pay $150.00 to take the exam and receive what's called a Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate; I am a bit nervous. It is a ton of information and tests are not something I excel at. But  I am determined to do it.  I watched someone fly a drone, a fellow photographer when we were photographing the East Coast this past fall.  It was so wonderful to see how beautiful Acadia was from the birds-eye point of view. 

Speaking of education I am working on checking off one of my serious goals.  I am working on receiving a Master Photographer Certificate.  The course should if I stay on track take me six months to finish. 

Hope you forgive me now for not having written in a few minutes. 

Product Update:  My 2022 Calendar will be taken off of the shelf on March first.  So if you want one, go to my website and get yours while supplies last.  

I will try to do better at posting more.  

Hugs and Love to All


Thursday, December 30, 2021

Resolutions or Goals


 Resolutions or Goals


When I began my business almost 14 years ago it started out with a mission to help families stay connected, through pictures. 


Every year we all begin the “New Year “with Resolutions and most of us will flop on those lofty resolutions within 32 days.  So, are we setting ourselves up for failure on purpose? 


Over the years my photography has grown and adapted to what life at the time threw at me, at least that sounds great anyway.  The truth is that it Grew at its own pace and became something on its own and has taught me fantastic lessons.  Be patient.


Nothing is Forever except the Love we leave behind.  That is what stays with us and the places we call special with the people we share that with. 


These past two years have enabled me to appreciate the moments I have with the people and places that mean the very most to me.  I actually took the time when COVID first became an object of concern, to take that time to reflect on myself and grow as a person.  I put myself through school to become a certified Master Life Coach.  Did it become something, no, but what it did do was give me an opportunity to evaluate who I am as a person and what matters?  That was so worth the investment.  It opened me back up to grab a hold of what my purpose was and is, to be the best human I can, be the best photographer I can, and share my passion for nature with the world. 


I have goals, not resolutions and I will never take the moments I am gifted with any amount of assumption that it will always be here waiting for me because they won’t.  Take a hold of your life and cherish it.  We only get now.  If you see a sunset, take a moment to appreciate it and if you are lucky, share it with someone important to you.  


Set Goals this year – It’s not really about the Goal, it’s about growing and becoming someone, you were met to be. Push past your comfort zone and reach higher. Be concreate in your vision and don’t let anyone stand in your way.  You are Worth the Investment. 


My challenge to you for this year is to grab your phone or your camera and take photos.  Print them and put them in an album. (I can help you with that) When 2023 comes rolling in, take that album you made and look back at your life and see what you actually did with it for one year.  

The past is the past and you can’t do anything to change it.  Today is NOW and a gift, that is why it is called the present.  Open it slowly and take time with it, I promise you, if you do, life will be better than it was yesterday.  Nothing can be worse than your last worst day. 


Text Box:  Have a Happy New Year 2022.  Make this one the BEST Ever.  You are the one in the driver’s seat. 



Wednesday, December 22, 2021


Well, we made it through 2021.
  Some of us with a few more scars and others with Huge milestones achieved.  I don’t know about you, but I am very excited to see what this New Year's Eve will ring in.


A few weeks back I hinted at a Virtual Gallery Showing to Kick Start this New Year, it is going to be New and Excellent! 


Due to all of the health issues and circumstances that our society has in the past few years, it has gotten harder and harder to open a brick-and-mortar store for anything “normal” So I have found a workaround.


I found a way to allow you (my customers & collectors) to walk through my truly virtual gallery showroom.  I am so bloomin Excited about this!   As this blog is being written, I am also working on loading my images of art to the Gallery.  Each image will have a link to my web store, where you can select your photo art print, media, and styles and then order.  If you prefer to go through me and customize the art, then I recommend delaying ordering and write me personally to begin the customization process to go with your personal style and color preference. 


With the possibility of a – God Forbid – shutdown - again if that happens my lab may shut down.  However, I do work with three labs I work with, so I will do my very best to accommodate your orders.  Please keep in mind that shipment me be delayed for longer than normal.  I trust these labs that I use to print my images because my name is on the print.  You will always be in communication with me should anything come up regarding your order.


I am absolutely excited to bring you this Amazing technology and showcase my art.  Also, we use AR Augmented Reality Technology on our website store.  You can virtually see our fine art images on your walls – Live View. 


If you prefer a one-on-one meeting, feel free to schedule an appointment by writing me at and we can create something truly customized for your space.


I will announce when the Gallery will be live on my social media and this Blog.  So don’t forget to follow – Like & Share.


Have a Very Merry Christmas.  See you next Year.


Love Laura

Monday, November 1, 2021

Who's Up for An Adventure?

 So - Who's Up for An Photographic Adventure?

I am looking for some fantastic photography locations here in the Pacific Northwest - Starting off with a day trip and then working up for the long haul excursions.  If you are from the Spokane area I am reaching out to you to advise me on locations of amazing Landscapes.  To top it off, as a bonus I am open to inviting the person that makes the best suggestion to tag along with me and I will buy you lunch,  as a way to say thanks for the tip. Plus I will also gift to you one digital image of our journey. This is something I rarely do - so I wanted to make this idea very special.  You will be given a written letter of permission to post my professional image on your social media to talk about our day just as long as you give me credit in your post.  

We can make a day of it.  I will be in communication with you via video or email to select the date to head out on our adventure.  If you are in need of some pointers about your camera, please bring it along with you.  I will be happy to give you any tips that may be helpful.  I shoot only in the early morning or early evening hours.  So lunch will be after or before the shoot.  Then we head home.  

Comment your ideas to me at  Leave me your contact information and where you think would be the perfect Landscape photography location and why.  

I am excited to take this adventure. 

I actually stopped on the side of the road a few weeks to take this image.  Sometimes the best locations are the ones that just appear.  So think outside the box a bit. The location does not have to be a "Popular" spot.  The location could be just a place you have often driven by and thought to ourselves, that's really beautiful.  Just make sure it's safe to get out and photograph.  
Same with this Lake Crescent location.  I am inviting you to look at the world the way I do.  You will be surprised what you find when you take a different perspective on the world around us.